Does anyone know how to trouble shoot a Dongle?


Jo Fisher
Edit My Images
I got my new BT Dongle nearly 2 weeks ago, and though it was a pain to get working near home, it does work nicely away from home :)thinking:). Anyway, there is one annoying problem, and I have no idea how to sort it. I can't view images or get onto the likes of Flickr :shrug: I get a BT Error 404 page come up that says that page doesn't exist.

I spent nearly 7 hours on the phone on and off to BT on Wednesday to try and sort it. But every single person I spoke to didn't know that BT were even doing a Dongle, and some didn't even know what one was. I tried just about every department, and even went to the sales team that sold be the bloody thing. No one could help. I got advise to clear my cache, but that's about it. I have done that a few times now and I am still getting the same problem.

Can anyone help? Only I am in the Lakes at the moment, and on an evening when we get back to the tent I want something to keep me occupied while I try and wind down enough to be sleepy. :LOL:

This sounds like it might be a problem with the MTU setting. What OS are you using?
OS is operating system, IE Windows XP or Vista or Mac OS etc
If you can get on other websites but not flickr then it sounds like a BT DNS problem (ish)

Try , it's the flickr site designed for mobile/3G users
As soon as I have the patients to use the blumin' thing again I'll get back to you about the MTU thing Pxl8, and I'll try that too mrgrubby!

Thanks xxx