Does anyone know..

Edit My Images
the name of the site I am looking for?

I saw it posted on the forum a few months ago and it seemed one that a lot of members were familiar with but for the life of me, I can't find it.

As far as I remember it was operated by flickr and was like a collection of the best photos from the last 24 hours or something and was constantly updating. It also had a black background, unlike flickr and the images were all displayed linearly, top to bottom in one long column, unlike flickrs grid style layout.

Hope this jogs someone's memory and thanks for the help.
It sounds like Explore on Flickr which, depending on what plug-in's and/or options you have set, can be viewed on blak I beleive.

You can link to Explore from the bottom of the front page on Flickr.
I don't think so it had some 'creative' name for it like hive or roll or some crap.
that's the one! Cheers Matt, if this place had a reputational scoring system yours would be increasing right now.