Does anyone want.......

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Yes introductory guide to nightclub photography?

It's something i seem to get asked advice on quite regularly these days, but i think it might only appeal to a very small number of people, on here at least.

So would there be many interested? If so i will put something together. :)
Seems like a good idea Dave, as imo it will also cover the ground rules for shooting any event indoors, be it an evening wedding reception or a kids disco.
Yeah! Go for it, it'll be very handy!
yes please dave
I've posted along these lines before in some detail - will happily chip in with any thoughts :)

Please, please, for the love of god, mention on it that NOONE should do 'work' for dontstayin or tillate. ever.
The more there is on here the more we can all learn! (y) go for it!
I've posted along these lines before in some detail - will happily chip in with any thoughts :)

Please, please, for the love of god, mention on it that NOONE should do 'work' for dontstayin or tillate. ever.

Ha ha.
I'm interested in photography. What anyone want's to do on the business side of things is down to them!

Ok. I'll get something together, maybe even later on this evening. :)
at the moment, i would absolutely no intention of using it, however, I am sure such methods could be applied to other similarly lit events..... e.g. gigs, evening receptions etc etc......... so yeah, go for it. It's always good to learn new things.