Does the nutter sit next you on the bus??

Matt Sayle

2017MSA Young Photographer of the Year(Motorsport)
Matt Sayle
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Just watching TVand Jasper Carrot came on talking about how the nutter always sits next to him.


It is so annoying. I find a great seat with no one around, then out of nowhere one appears :bang: EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!!
You should move to Glasgow. We've got special nutters here.
Just watching TVand Jasper Carrot came on talking about how the nutter always sits next to him.


It is so annoying. I find a great seat with no one around, then out of nowhere one appears :bang: EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!!

You will be watching E4 then :D
Iv got an atom bomb here you know.... :nuts:
It is not just on buses that nutters appear.
I have been out hillwalking and had them try to latch on.
Opening remark is usually "Where are you heading"? If you don't give the right answer you are stuck with the runt. (lucky I said runt).
Stock answer is "The opposite way from you".
I saw Jasper Carrot live waaaaaay back in the late '70's/early 80's.... and he was still telling the same 'nutter on a bus' story back then!
It's terrible when you sit on a bus and someone goes on about motor racing particulary at Oulton Park!!!
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normally on the train for me.
Whatever the situation, wherever i am, I will get the nutter talking to me! One time i got trapped into a 20 minute long conversation with a crazy man at a zebra crossing....he did NOT let me go! I had to practically run away from him in the end!
I have a nutter who jumps into my car every morning,she is called the wife.:D:LOL::p
lucliky i dont use buses.
full of common people you know.

Yes, and they think it is acceptable to cough & sneeze plus a few other unmentionable things.
Every time I go to the cinema the giant always sits in front of me.
It's a tin of corned beef :wacky:

Btw, was this the live concert with the skit about him trying to get rid of the moles in his garden? Another all-time JC classic :LOL:

Theres only one way to get rid of a mole...

BA-BOOM!!!! Blow its bloody head arff...


Jasper is funny, i had a tape with those sketches on, bought it in the late 70's early 80's..

I don't get the nutters on the bus but I ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS get the nutters in all the shops! Even bleeding tesco express along the road. Why do they pick me! :puke:
Whatever the situation, wherever i am, I will get the nutter talking to me! One time i got trapped into a 20 minute long conversation with a crazy man at a zebra crossing....he did NOT let me go! I had to practically run away from him in the end!

I thought you said you'd never met Ashers? :D
Last nutter I saw on a bus drove it into me! :D

Apart from that, haven't been on a bus in years. Once when I stayed at a girlfriends after a night out, but only as far as her work, then walked the rest!

I punched a bus once, does that make me the nutter?
Can't say i have that problem, This morning it was some 20 something blonde, other days it would be bunch of Private school kids in college (17/18), other days will be men in suits. Only one time there was this 25st woman, at least she didn't smell.
Theres only one way to get rid of a mole...

BA-BOOM!!!! Blow its bloody head arff...


Jasper is funny, i had a tape with those sketches on, bought it in the late 70's early 80's..



I've still got mine somewhere - it's as funny now as it was all those years ago :D