Does this work

Dark Star

TPer Emeritus
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I quite like this but does it work for you...?

Could anything improve it?


not sure what is sticking up in the middle of the shot? they look like knees which have been added using photoshop.
Hmmm - they are real knees - it was a grab shot on a beach in Corfu - as I was there (of course!) it seemed obvious to me - I hadn't really thought it might confuse or appear otherwise!

Totally genuine knees!!!
must say for me the knees are distracting, would like to see it without them, but otherwise love the shot, and it does work.
Hmmm (again) for me it was about the knees!!! I found the sight of them poking out above the rocks quite funny! Its all subjective I guess - thanks for the comments!
Err no. Not unless you are planning to sell some knee ointment and this is the advert.
In which case... then yes it does.
Good idea oldigt - I may as well get something out of it!!!
I think it works as an idea, and I can see what you were trying to achieve.

The problem I see with it, is that the knees don't really stand out against their surroundings. Maybe it's because the foreground is quite bright, and also the background rocks on the right half, break the image up a bit.

If the knees stood out a little bit more (and you cloned that darker foreground rock out ;)), then I think it would work much better.

A great attempt nonetheless and I can really see what you had in mind.
Thanks Marcel - constructive stuff - I'll have a tinker!
...they look like knees which have been added using photoshop.

No offence to you, Lee, but does anyone else find that people (esp non-photographers) will use the 'photoshopped' comment on any image that is slightly abstract or non-conventional? I use PS myself an awful lot and know that I and many others will mostly strive to make their images as 'natural' as possible - unless its a deliberate attempt to be off-the-wall.
No offence to you, Lee, but does anyone else find that people (esp non-photographers) will use the 'photoshopped' comment on any image that is slightly abstract or non-conventional? I use PS myself an awful lot and know that I and many others will mostly strive to make their images as 'natural' as possible - unless its a deliberate attempt to be off-the-wall.

I've noticed on car boards particularly that any sort of unusual or spectacular shot will draw a load of 'Photoshopped' comments when it's quite obvious the pic is genuine. :D
Errrm - no photoshopping at all really - just a crop and a sharpen - I still like it but I guess you had to be there!
I can see what you were trying to achieve and I like it, it's unusual enough to be interesting. Good capture!
I like it, to me it's the fact that the knees take a moment to register because they (being knees) look a bit like rocks anyway.

As far as photoshopping is concerned, I have a very simple philosophy. If someone wants to act like using all the tools at your disposal to make a striking an interesting image, and wants to suggest that any shot that isn't exactly as it's taken in the camera is in some way inferior, then they're an idiotic luddite who can't understand the difference between photography as a craft and photography as an art. Then I can merrily disregard their opinions and get back to making things look screwy in CS2.
Aha exactly my view re those Greek knees HGF - its a kind of 'whats wrong with this picture' sort of shot - thanks for the positive and constructive comments guys - it all helps!

And as for photoshopping - if I like the image I don't much care how it was created. Personally I'm finding my PP feet so you won't see a lot from me just yet - although I'm about to play with HDR - that looks fun!!!