Don't know if this has been asked before....

Robert Smith
Edit My Images
but if you could take one photograph of somebody famous (living or dead) who would it / would it have been?
And why?
Sting. He has the sort of face that would look very moody and contrasty in B+W.

That, and I :love: him.
Sting. He has the sort of face that would look very moody and contrasty in B+W.

That, and I :love: him.

Or his gypsy cousin? :LOL:

I don't think he looks that much like a horse to be honest!! :D
It would have to be John Lennon for me (in his early Beatle days) - he has always been one of my idols.
If i'm honest famous people don't interest me that much, although i would have liked to photograph my late nan and Great Gran.
Somebody living please
Hmmmm, that is atough one . Maybe Stirling Moss. Or Sir Jackie Stewart. Maybe Schumacher.

If I had to pick one.....

Aryton Senna. Legend.

No scrap that I would have Colin Mcrae and Richard Burns. I know it is two but you could get some crackers of them :)
Spartacus. What a guy he must have been!
No one famous really
I would have loved the opportunity to take some pictures of my Grandad, he had such a weathered face from memory,was too young to remember him properly:( Would of looked brilliant in B+W
I would like to shoot Max Mosley.

Sorry, the question was "take a photograph".
Julius Cesar, Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein and Jim Morrison.

Just amazing people...
Oh that's easy, it only has to be Edgar Froese, the founder of Tangerine Dream. He's got the kind of face that changed with the years, doesn't give a lot away and yet at the same time could tell a thousand stories.

He's the one with the lots of hair (in the middle):


His wife, Monique Froese, was a very accomplished photographer. I like to think that it's her work that has a lot of influence on me when it comes to taking photos.
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