Dont smoke and drive

Can't offer much in the way of c&c,it's a burnt out motor........Sierra Estate ? :thinking:
I'd have been inclined to stick this in 'photos for pleasure'
a funny shot which earns the title...miscellaneous in our club events
good processing...
trees not really important here...a major crop into the guts of the scene would add impact
hell...thats exactly what happened
It's an interesting item, to make it more interesting you could do a number of things.

A couple you could do..

1. Set up a model in the car behind the wheel injured/dead.
2. Play with some external lighting, you could light from the outside but the inside could be interesting.

If you get a chance to get back to this it would be interesting to see the results :)
It's an interesting item, to make it more interesting you could do a number of things.

A couple you could do..

1. Set up a model in the car behind the wheel injured/dead.
2. Play with some external lighting, you could light from the outside but the inside could be interesting.

If you get a chance to get back to this it would be interesting to see the results :)

a half empty bottle of old crow would be a good prop...a full one is ok ..i can adjust it for you:LOL:
1. Set up a model in the car behind the wheel injured/dead.

Really? :puke:
Looks to me more like an act of vandalism than an act of driving wrecklessness ... wrecklessness ... get it ....... oh well. :clap: