
Great set Martin, Love the second 1 thats just a stunning shot (y) the black and white one looks a lot better on flicker with a black back ground

Thats a nice study of the area I like tehm.
THe B&W shot is great.
Very nice set. I think number two is the best because of the great colors and sharpness, but also because of the very interesting and unique perspective. You've captured items of interest in the foreground, and beautiful scenery in the background. Number 4 is also compelling.
Cracking set - I have to go with the flow too, No2 is a superb capture :clap:

Les (y)
I really don't like no.2 ! Personal preferences! Just doesn't do anything, maybe its the metallic rails - just takes everything away from an otherwise 'natural' looking area. I do like the tree / bench shots though, they are great.
Nice pics. I think No 5 edges it for me.