Down with Bokeh !!

Niq Scott
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It's a stupid word and I get embarassed using it in front of non-photographers (ok, so I don't use it that often in general conversation...bite me !). I propose we decide upon a replacement word, one which gets across the feeling of out-of-focussedness in a more appropriate manner.

Just to get you started:


Your turn...
The word should describe whether its good bokeh, or bad bokeh!
The origins of the word is Japanese, it basically means blur, so how strange is that when it says what it means :p

why not try:

You say now: 'Wow look at that bokeh!'

Instead say: 'my gosh Giles, look at the rather fine irredescant circular effect generated but the camera lens on the far distant background in this photograph, im quite moved by its niceness and shall call it...blur!'

why not try:

You say now: 'Wow look at that bokeh!'

Instead say: 'my gosh Giles, look at the rather fine irredescant circular effect generated but the camera lens on the far distant background in this photograph, im quite moved by its niceness and shall call it...blur!'


:LOL: ROFL (y)
why not try:

You say now: 'Wow look at that bokeh!'

Instead say: 'my gosh Giles, look at the rather fine irredescant circular effect generated but the camera lens on the far distant background in this photograph, im quite moved by its niceness and shall call it...blur!'


:clap: :clap: :clap:
Like bogie, but with a K.

I must say though I do find it quite a wierd word to say, and thats in the presence of photographers. I think it's purely because it's a language thing.

I can count to god knows what in german and french, and it still sounds silly when I do it for my daughter.
Did you know "Rambo" is Japanese for lawlessness ?

I spent 3 years learning to transliterate scientific & technical Japanese and that's all I can f**king remember !!!
:embarrassed: :embarrassed: :bang: Ive always thought it was pronounced Bow-K... not really sure why and I hope ive never used that when chatting to anyone...

Oh well, you learn something new everyday.:thinking:
Bow-K as per DreederUK (with the Bow as in Robin Hood) - although only in my mind as I don't think I ever really said it out loud to anyone!
I have never said it outloud and to be honest I had never heard of it before I came on here. Then again I tend not to use any photographic terms. Occasionally get fstop in if I remember, but only person I talk photography to is my dad and we just speak number and both seem to understand each other.

IE "5.6 at 40?" reply "yeah maybe 50" - I think my mum has given up trying to work out what we are on about.

*In next weeks "Jimmy Talks Rubbish" I will explain how I order my milk!*
Bockey (like hockey) always sounded right to me. But then what do I know?

Talking of which and having seen an ad for the 400D yesterday, is it E.O.S. or EOS (as in Eros without the R)?
book eh here too..
Bockey (like hockey) always sounded right to me. But then what do I know?

Talking of which and having seen an ad for the 400D yesterday, is it E.O.S. or EOS (as in Eros without the R)?

I think the official pronunciation is "Eeyoss", but I always pronounce it as three Oh Ess.

How about Nikon? I pronounce it "Nikkon", I wonder if anyone pronounces it "Nigh Kon"
My own contribution, a letter. I decided that people too readily mispronounced "boke," so I added an "h" to the word in our articles, and voilá, "bokeh" was born. A Google search for the word "bokeh" just now resulted in approximately 13,300 hits. Seems the idea's gotten around.

Yeah, and I invented the full stop

It's pronounced Bo as in Peep .......... Keh as in KEvin.

It's pronounced Bo as in Peep .......... Keh as in KEvin.

Thats exactly how I pronounce described it much better than I
I pronounce it:

Bok - eh (the other way to see the letter "e" apart from "eeee".
None of you have come up with a better word, however, which was, after all, the original idea behind my post.

Sheesh, you just can't get the forum regulars these days...
It's a saturday night and everyone is concentrating on X-Factor. What do you expect?
Anyone think Barry Manilow looks a little "strange" ?

They should also cut all telephone communications between England and Scotland tonight just to make sure the scots tossers don't get through.

And who the F**K keeps voting Eddie Munster through ?!??!??!?
The Online Photographer said:
It's properly pronounced in two syllables, equally stressed, with "bo" as in bone and "ke" as in Kenneth—quite similiar to "bouquet," actually, except that the last sound is more of a an eh and not so much an ay.
Well I think we should all use F32 and then we wont have to use the word at all! :D

I prounounce it bouquet as in flowers or the smell of wine.......but Id never say it in front of a non photographer! LOL
Bokeh - pronounced "out of focus background-bits", you bunch of pseuds...:razz: :puke: