Drag racing

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Hello this my 1st post, i do a fair bit of photography of various subjects but shooting American cars combines 2 hobbys so its my main "thing"

hope you like them



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you can smell the burn, nice crops
Ayup baldie you made it on here then (y)

You already know my thoughts on these..particularly that 1st gen shot. Now wheres that wide angle shot of the pale blue 'stang? ;)
Yup the second one is pretty spot on, would make a nice big print I think (y)

The others... #1 the composition isn't quite right, either too much or too little of the car and #3 I like the flag man but again too much or too little of the car - the atmosphere is good though.
cheers peeps I do have a large print of the 2nd one but I prefer the 1st one tbh coz of the light on the satin black and the crop which i really like the 3rd isnt sharp or well exposed ect but theres just something i like about it

that half a car thing i do quite a lot, too much i expect so heres another one :D with a touch of pseudo HDR and the blue stang for Dave which isnt one of my faves

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Number two is ace!! Plus the first on the second post!

are they all at the Shakespeare county raceway?
The half a car thing isn't a problem, its just getting the right amount of car in the frame.

You can always cheat of course and shoot wide n crop ;-)

Liking the first one of the second batch (btw number your photos, it makes it easier for us to talk about them). I wonder if that could be made really mad with some mega black point n contrast PP...

Very quickly and very roughly, like this:

(tell me of course if you want me to bin my edit)
Another vote for No.2, very nice. The car in No.1 looks interesting but maybe composition doesn't make the best of it. On the whole though an interesting set. Thanks.