Dragging a web Image from FF to CS3

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I used to be able to drag an image from a web page from Firefox into PhotoShop via the taskbar and it would open as a new image (saved in the temp directory).

Now though it will only open inside an already open image..

It works as expected with IE, I am using FF3 and CS3

I'm away to research this more as originally I had thought it was a CS3 thing but realise now it is a browser issue..

If anyone has encountered this in the meantime let me know if you found a solution.
It's part of the new improved rendering engine in FF3 :nuts:

You have to use copy/paste as d&d no longer works.
That's a real shame.. I've been using copy/new image for now.. guess that's just what I'll have to do from now on..

Also noticed I don't get the semi transparent dragging on this computer that FF3 introduced.. not sure if I ever have. (It's not disabled in the config).