Dress Code for Rick Steins Seafood Restaurant in Padstow..?

Its a little disappointing to go there for good fish and chips though
I've done the cooking school twice, unlimited wine (rick steins white at £27.50 a bottle) so myself and my friend invoked the spirit of Flloyd and drank throughout the day, more than the cost of the course. :D

Not sure how much it is now but it used to be £8.50 for the fish and chips, cooked in beer batter and beef dripping. Very tasty.

There's a Rick Steins in Marlborough now. Very handy as it's close
I've done the cooking school twice, unlimited wine (rick steins white at £27.50 a bottle) so myself and my friend invoked the spirit of Flloyd and drank throughout the day, more than the cost of the course. :D

Fantastic. What fun;). I did the Billingsgate fish one a couple of years ago. Aside from being there of ra 4am start it was wonderful
I would work on the theory that the customer is always right and would wear whatever I wanted to.

I've done the cooking school twice, unlimited wine (rick steins white at £27.50 a bottle) so myself and my friend invoked the spirit of Flloyd and drank throughout the day, more than the cost of the course. :D

Not sure how much it is now but it used to be £8.50 for the fish and chips, cooked in beer batter and beef dripping. Very tasty.

There's a Rick Steins in Marlborough now. Very handy as it's close

the cooking school is a great experience - didn't drink that much but I definitely ate more than my share of the seafood we cooked
I would work on the theory that the customer is always right and would wear whatever I wanted to.


Thing is, it's a nice place, (well was, looks like someone tried to burn it down recently), you don't really want someone to be sat there in shorts, tshirt and flipflops. Smart casual isn't hard, basically a shirt with trousers
It's a worrying thought that there are millions of people in Britain who have less than that to feed their families for a month!

It was a one off, always wanted to go there to see what the fuss was about and as a friend of mine just died early from a heart attack it was a case of do it now rather than regret never doing it. That and I could get a table for 4, the dates are released in blocks of three months at a time and fill quickly.

The table next to us were two guys from a three star michelin restaurant in LA, there for the experience.

What can I say other than it was worth it. 5 hours of an amazing eating experience.

And if you really want to play trip the guilt, I pay £80 for three months education per child in Uganda, and I sponsor 3 children. Plus when they are in hospital with malaria the treatment is 80,000 shillings (about £22)
It's a worrying thought that there are millions of people in Britain who have less than that to feed their families for a month!

At the end of the day its each to their own.Simply because someone eats in an expensive restaurant doesn't mean they do nothing for anyone else. I'm sure even you spend money on things many would argue are profligate
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And if you really want to play trip the guilt,
I was simply pointing out the level of disparity we have in this country between those who can afford £285 a head (which I can) and those who can't even dream of it. If you choose to see something else in it that's up to you.
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I was simply pointing out the level of disparity we have in this country between those who can afford £285 a head (which I can) and those who can't even dream of it. If you choose to see something else in it that's up to you.
I was pointing out that the price of the meal was the same as I pay to sponsor 3 children for 3 months. If you choose to see something else in it that's up to you ;)

Do we really have to justify how we spend our money? There really are some sanctimonious people on Internet forums.

I must be really bad, today I spent over £100 on frivolous things and didn't think twice about all of those with less to spend than me. I also failed to buy a Big Issue from the seller, or give money to the druggie on the street corner. No doubt I'll rot in hell, but I think the tax bill I pay each month covers my responsibilities to the human race thank you very much.
Thing is, it's a nice place, (well was, looks like someone tried to burn it down recently), you don't really want someone to be sat there in shorts, tshirt and flipflops. Smart casual isn't hard, basically a shirt with trousers

That was Porthleven though, not Padstow.

Do we really have to justify how we spend our money? There really are some sanctimonious people on Internet forums.

I must be really bad, today I spent over £100 on frivolous things and didn't think twice about all of those with less to spend than me. I also failed to buy a Big Issue from the seller, or give money to the druggie on the street corner. No doubt I'll rot in hell, but I think the tax bill I pay each month covers my responsibilities to the human race thank you very much.

Nope, not at all and I haven't taken any of it that way, we could probably all say the same about cars we own, camera equipment etc. It's all a personal choice.

But for me it was more about the consideration (and probably justification) I gave myself before booking the meal at the fat duck. My friend having a heart attack and dying suddenly was the catalyst.
I enjoy my food, have been a trained cook in the past, enjoy different eating experiences and have eaten at most of the famous UK chef's places. The Fat Duck was the one I was putting off because of price, because, lets face it, it's ridiculously expensive when you look at it and thats considering I've paid $130 for a bottle of wine to go with an amazing chateaubriand in the States.

All I can say is that it was at times the best presented, tasting, depth of flavours, or most interesting, or technically brilliant, or artistically amazing (or for some dishes all of these) plates of food I've ever had. Couple that with 5 hours of eating, the attentive service ( I don't want to say too much to spoil it for anyone who goes), but I actually left thinking it was value for money. I won't go again when the menu changes, I've done it now.

Also check out the pub next door!
Thing is, it's a nice place, (well was, looks like someone tried to burn it down recently), you don't really want someone to be sat there in shorts, tshirt and flipflops. Smart casual isn't hard, basically a shirt with trousers

I would be very unlikely to go there anyway... and I absolutely hate to see people wearing shorts. They look ridiculous!
