Drive Back in Time

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I was leaning over the railing of the Tarrawingee Bridge, N/E Victoria absorbed in
capturing the reflections in the Ovens River when a stream of veteran cars came roaring towards me.
Now you will know that the settings for landscape photography are almost the reverse of what is needed
to capture old cars driven to their limit by madmen! So I missed the first half dozen while I gathered my
shattered wits to reset the shutter, focus mode, continuous shooting, ISO and so on - just in time
to catch the last half dozen tail end charlies, one by one, as they roared towards me!






E-3 + 14-42mm kit lens
Nice set unfortuantly the experts!!!!! so called will slag you off that there is no wheel blur rendering the car to be stationarry and not showing movement.

4 Bugattis, a Hispano Suiza and a Bentley 4 1/2 litre - that's pretty good going. Motion blur would've been nice but there's enough about the images to interpret that the cars were moving. Well done... how did the landscapes turn out :LOL:
Looks like Batman and Robin driving one of them.
Yes, and one with the Machiavellian smile looks like Terry Thomas! :D

Nice set unfortuantly the experts!!!!! so called will slag you off that there is no wheel blur rendering the car to be stationarry and not showing movement. Dave
Thanks Dave - I guess I should have PS'd the wheel blur ... why didn't I think of it!:bang:

4 Bugattis, a Hispano Suiza and a Bentley 4 1/2 litre - that's pretty good going. Motion blur would've been nice but there's enough about the images to interpret that the cars were moving. Well done... how did the landscapes turn out :LOL:
Thanks - I probably did better with the landscapes, although it's like comparing chalk and cheese. :shrug:
Here's the view from the bridge, upstream.
These classy old girls don't need motion blur to impress :love:
Good stuff Mark,like the snorkeling gear btw :D
Nice landscape,I'll let you off the fact that Amanda Burton is nowhere to be seen though
Another classy old girl :love: :D
Very peaceful shot (y)
These classy old girls don't need motion blur to impress :love:
Good stuff Mark,like the snorkeling gear btw :D

Nice landscape,I'll let you off the fact that Amanda Burton is nowhere to be seen though
Another classy old girl :love: :D
Very peaceful shot (y)
Thanks for a very subtle comment Martyn -
you've obviously seen my other thread, Silent Witness featuring my river shot ... and I thought that Transport buffs didn't visit Landscape forum! :)
Silent Witness
Great photos. Looks a lot of fun driving one of those!
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4 Bugattis, a Hispano Suiza and a Bentley 4 1/2 litre - that's pretty good going. Motion blur would've been nice but there's enough about the images to interpret that the cars were moving. Well done... how did the landscapes turn out :LOL:

I think the Bentley is a 3 litre, judging by the radiator.
Thanks Mark, I'm no expert on these old girls, and sorry for the late reply. :)
haha, good shots, dont know why but when i saw number 5 i immediatly thought of the beverly hillbillies!!
Nice set of classic car images, not worried about the wheel blur , the images tell all the action you need, pity the light was so harsh though with the harsh shadow under the caps. Like the landscape also
haha, good shots, dont know why but when i saw number 5 i immediatly thought of the beverly hillbillies!!
Now that you mention it, yes - especially g'ma there who of course should have been at the wheel! But it's many years since that great show disappeared from our TV screens.
Nice set of classic car images, not worried about the wheel blur , the images tell all the action you need, pity the light was so harsh though with the harsh shadow under the caps. Like the landscape also
Peter, thanks for pointing out the lighting issue. If you haven't been to Oz you may be unaware of how brutally bright our summer lighting gets. We are so used to it that I guess we just take it for granted. Once on arriving back home after visiting the UK for 8 weeks I noticed the difference.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that Australian summer lighting is terribly harsh unless you shoot within the golden hours. In editing these I adjusted the shadow / highlight level so as to retain the way light is Downunder.