Driving Lessons

My first lesson was with my dad in an Austin Seven (Pre real mini). Started off in a large car park early on a Sunday morning driving around and reversing into the spaces - no cars in the car park, luckily. Then a drive along a main road - mostly down the middle.

Passed my test on the second attempt.

Then worked in a building firm and drove a 3 ton truck with no syncomesh and no one told me that you had to double de-clutch. It was fun at traffic light, especially if they changed before you stopped.

That certainly taught me to drive.
Since being home on Mull for christmas I have been out once with my mum driving her car around some private land and had no problems what so ever, no shaky legs or screw ups so my confidence is ok now I think.

Going to talk with my instructor after my lesson this wednesday and see how many more lessons she thinks I need before going for my test.
You might want to book your test asap.
I've had my test booked for a couple of months, and I've got it (finally) on January 17th.
I've had, around I would say 28 hours of driving, all 28 being lessons.

Nowadays, its not so much being able to drive, its more about how lucky you are on the day.
If conditions are good, and nothing erratic or unpredictable happens while out driving to shake your confidence, then you should be able to pass.
Just gotta remember a few things.
Constant observation. Especially during manoeuvres. Check all around the vehicle, even though you know there is nothing there from a glance in your mirrors.
Before you manouevre, make sure you check your mirrors, and THEN signal.
Don't hesitate, ever. If you pull out, make sure you carry on. Don't stop in the middle of the road.
My first driving lesson, there was a crash!!

(OK - not me! I had just sat in the drivers seat and two cars crashed infront of us!)

Once that was sorted, I spent 5 minutes on a housing estate and then spent the rest of the lesson at 60 mph! :D

I had 23 lessons in all... not bad when the average for a female is supposed to be 53!!! :LOL:

Best of luck! :D
My first lesson was clutch control, various types of things like reversing round corners, 3 point turn n such then off into a busy town with a bit of parallel parking and then home.
On my first driving lesson i was quite simply thrown in the deep end. I was taken into an industrial estate, filled out a few forms etc and the instructor just told me to drive lol.

Second lesson was a bit more structured. I was picked up from work and we did a course he did with his other students.

Quite good i thought. I passed first time and within 3 months so i was VERY chuffed. :)
Congrats Ross!
First lesson was spent driving around a block stalling everytime I braked at the end of a turning. The instructor asked if I'd driven a car before and I said yes, truth was though it had only been an automatic and back and forwards on the driveway. Second or third lesson, I nearly ran over a milkman, I hit the accelerator instead of the brake. Luckily the instructor was quick on the dual controls.
First lesson involved taking taking the DI's shopping home. He let me drive off from a layby on a dual carriadgeway and I was doing 50mph straight away. That was an eye opener.

We got down the A38 to his village and I edged around a corner when a massive artic came the other way. I panicked and accidentally flicked the windscreen wipers onto full blast and they were going mental.

With another instructor we got snarled up in a blockade outside the local church where a black family was holding a funeral. He was impatient, and racist and kept pressing down the horn shouting "get out that way you black b******s". I'd have been for it had anyone reacted, not him!!!!

And I passed first time after I skidded on the emergency stop, so I thought I'd failed and that settled my nerves so I drove naturally.
I never took lessons, just a few weeks of provisional licence driving with my ex (who passed before me but preferred not to drive). I failed first test because i misheard the examiners instructions but got a retest asap and passed. That was in the 80's. These days I doubt you could pass without a few proper lessons.

Good luck tomorrow!
My first lesson was the day i bought a car off my mother in law.
She handed me the keys,i went out to the car and tought myself to drive.
I used it everyday for about a month,then done my test in 4 inches of snow and passed with 3 minors.

I passed my test seven weeks after my 17th. Like a few others I filled in for a test date on my first lesson. Three weeks later a cancellation came up. I failed.

I think what did it was when the examiner said "Did you see that car" to which my reply was "What car?"...... LOL.
Hmmm...it was a while ago, but as far as I can remember...
Checked the harness, mounted up alongside my bowman and cracked the whip whilst holding the reins in my left hand as the Imperial Chariot Master had instructed me...

:nuts: ho ho ho...

oh, and congratulations!
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