DSCL Rant!

Edit My Images
Don't get me wrong, I love their quality but today I'm feeling ripped off!

After three failed attempts to upload a load of images (timing out) I've split my order into smaller batches.

On the comments section of the order I asked if the orders could be combined and sent by courier.

Had a voicemail saying they can't combine the orders so all will be sent separately costing me 5 x the postage!

They reckon it's my broadband, but all other sites are working fine (uploaded a far bigger file to a canvas printer quickly with no problems).

Any recommendations for an online printer other than DSCL who actually want my order without fleecing me on postage?

Cheers, rant over.
That is odd, never had a time-out issue, and have done some pretty large orders before :(

Just a thought but when I use them it has galleries of my previous uploads and I can add more images to these, could you not have just done smaller uploads and still placed one order? (I uploaded a few image last minute to my last order and just stuck them in the basket with the others and they all came in one go).

On a side note that last order has been sent twice though! but don't think that is due to the above, just think they made a mistake.
Fail to see how a single file to canvas printer can be larger than lots of prints?

I am experiencing bb probs and it does affect some places more rather than others.
Who said my canvas order was a single canvas? The file had 20x 34"x22" images, just over 100 megs! Nothing wrong with the broadband.

Anyway, my gripe isn't the slow upload today, it's the lack of flexibility on their part and them charging me 5 x the postal costs.

Hope they enjoy the extra few quid they've made today as they won't be getting any more from me in the new year!
Personally I'd ring them up and speak to someone and make it clear you're not especially happy. I would imagine they would rather refund you a few quid than loose the business...
Sim Lab offer the same level of service to DSCL I have found and have now switched. The lead times for my recent order with Sim were slow, upload on Sunday evening received via courier on Thursday, so not quite same day turnaround but quality and packaging is top notch.
Personally I'd ring them up and speak to someone and make it clear you're not especially happy. I would imagine they would rather refund you a few quid than loose the business...

I don't see the point, I sent them a message, they phoned me while I was on the other line and left a message saying they can't help, it must be my broadband.

Hey ho, plenty of other labs out there and speed isn't always important.

I just know what my customers would tell me to do if I had the same attitude as DSCL!
Still not sure why you couldn't have done what I said in my last post, but probably glad you didn't as have just discovered my duplicate order has now been charged a second time too! Not happy with them either now!!!
I uploaded 40 images - total of 240Mb on Monday mid-afternoon and got the prints in the post Tuesday 9:30.
After paying more attention to my paypal balance it seems they haven't charged me twice, just did some odd routine of taking the money, putting it back then taking it again :|
Personally I'd ring them up and speak to someone and make it clear you're not especially happy. I would imagine they would rather refund you a few quid than loose the business...

Not in my experience of them. Their customer service is the weak link, they proved to be utterly disinterested and immovable when I had delivery problems in last year's extreme weather. Simply wouldn't help and didn't care about the threat of lost business.
Not in my experience of them. Their customer service is the weak link, they proved to be utterly disinterested and immovable when I had delivery problems in last year's extreme weather. Simply wouldn't help and didn't care about the threat of lost business.


I've used them regularly with very little problem, but when it does go wrong they're not able to react. I suspect they run a highly automated setup without either the ability or resource to be able to intervene. I guess you pay their (low) prices and live with the blips, or you pay a higher price for a more flexible service.

I see it a bit like paying Easyjet ticket prices - I don't expect BA's level of service!!
