DSLR Boot Camp

Have a guess.....
Edit My Images
Starts in the April edition of Practical Photography.

Is it worth it???

Oh and it's free to join!
Think there is a few doing it here, you can also take out a Subscription for 6 issues of the magazine to cover the course for £10 and if you take out the subscription using topcashback you can get £6 back, so it only costs £4 for the 6 issues, there is a thread here

That seems like a great deal, It has to be worth it just for the magazine alone, I think I will give it a go :)
I've signed up...nowt to lose
I subscribed to it this morning.

Really looking forward to it. 6 months of a magazine, a training course and online tutorials for a tenner? Can't go wrong really. :)
I've signed up to the £10 magazine deal.
I know you can access the course for free, but it does say on the site that the main modules are in the magazine, and for that price its worth a punt.
Thinking I'll start a Boot Camp thread where we can discuss the course...what do you guys think? (oh and gals)
It would be either that or a Flickr group...

We could at least start with a thread where we can have a list of who is signed up and intending to do this...
This looks interesting...

I take it that, with the 'One off Payment (6 issues) by Credit/Debit Card + DSLR Course' option, you get the six issues with the main modules of this DSLR course and then don't have to cancel anything?
Thinking I'll start a Boot Camp thread where we can discuss the course...what do you guys think? (oh and gals)

You start, I'll follow :)

Signed up for this, but have received the March edition and I think the course starts with the April edition. Crafty so and so's have caught me out nicely. :bonk:
I'm gonna sign up for this. Cheers OP.
I'm only a beginner so this should do me the world of good
Think I'll give it a go as well - spend far to much time with the camera in auto mode these days - could do with thinking myself instead of leaving it up to the internal CPU.

I'm in, thanks for letting us know about it Andy, I need all the help I can get :LOL:
Ok help I created a Top cashback account signed in found the magazine group but can I heck as find the 6 issues for a £10 offer any ideas what I am missing best i can find is the full year for £46.50
From topcashback site, search for Great Magazines then follow their link to the Great Magazines site. Click on the Photography tab and then the Practical Photography link to view current offers. You will first see the full year subscription. If you scroll down you will see the Boot Camp offer 6 months for £10. THIS OFFER EXPIRES ON THE 4TH APRIL SO BE QUICK.

I have received 2 x £6.06 (I ordered a set of mags for my pal) and the first one is now payable. I am waiting for them both to become payable before I claim the money.
I've put a request into the mods that be for a thread to post images and discuss things on the course to be allowed into the "challenges" section... if approved I'll post a link (or where ever it gets created)

Flickr group can be found here
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I'm already signed up for this and i also eceived the first mag this month. But to be honest i don't mind, there was some really good stuff in there and a little booklet on filters and how to use them. As i am a complete beginner it's a real help :)
I've just joined the flickr group. Looking forward to this, should be good :D
guess what Sean...you're the first to join the group and guess what...you've been promoted
Cheers andy. I've served 9 long yrs in the RAF and I'm still waiting for them to say that!! Haha

Just one question though, what exactly do I need to do?
I've just joined. A while ago I bought one of their dvd tutorials and it was really helpful. I'm sure their Boot Camp will be very helpful too! Looking forward to it....
Cheers andy. I've served 9 long yrs in the RAF and I'm still waiting for them to say that!! Haha

Just one question though, what exactly do I need to do?

erm.......not much actually lol
i paid and signed up last night, i asked for the march edition to be delivered 1st, was i supposed to ask for the april edition?
Just ordered the six months subscription - looking forward to receiving the April edition.

Because I entered an e-mail address (did it online), does that mean I'm already signed up to the online part of the course or do I have to do that seperately?
I think you have to do it separately
Just so you are aware in case you missed it...

Without notice your subscription will continue with payments taken every 6 months at a rate of £23 by direct debit, 10% discount off the cover price. The minimum term for this offer is 6 months. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. You must supply your email address at the time of subscribing to receive the email part of the DSLR tutorial. This offer closes 4th March 2011.