DSLR field monitor

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Got a small project coming up and having to use video on the DSLR and was wondering what field monitors anyone here is using. It's a 1 off project so not looking to spend too much money but would like to view in HD as we shoot/after each scene on a slightly larger screen.

Any suggestions or recommendations?
No hiring would not make any sense, I don't need a kit. I need a monitor to show each scene to the clients while we work as 5 of us gathered around the 3" screen on the back of a camera may not be ideal.
Recommendations for the 'not too much money' monitors people are perhaps using welcome.
No hiring would not make any sense, I don't need a kit. I need a monitor

I was using 'kit' as a synonym of 'gear' or 'equipment'. ie you need a monitor for a job, you don't want to spend a lot of money, so hire a good one for a few quid. Cheaper than buying lesser equipment and you get to use the good stuff which will lead to a better experience for yourself and your clients.

The vast majority of stuff on set will be hired on most film/video jobs anyway because it all costs so bloody much if you want to buy it.
I get what you're saying Jayst84.
Forgot to add that the job will be about 3-5 days over a couple of months so hiring again and again makes no sense to me.
I would like to know what people are using as field monitors, can it be any kind of screen, does a screen you play dvds on in the car for the kids work? hence why i asked suggestions.

A price from my local hirer - 'Marshall LCD70XP-HDMI Monitor 7 From £39 ex VAT a day'