Dunkery hill

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Today my friend Greg and I escaped across the border into Somerset, Exmoor was our main goal and we managed to visit a few spots to take photos. As the afternoon was drawing to a close we finished our jaunt at Dunkery hill. The top of Dunkery hill is Exmoor’s highest point at 1,705ft (519m). Thankfully there was some light left once we got to the top to get some shots before the drive home. This image is a 16:9 segment of a panorama I created. I really liked the stones scattered around the peak and felt they along with the grass caught the ebbing sun.
I am grateful for any comments.
I love the green, and really enjoy the photo overall. If I had been, I might have cropped in a little more, and opted to bracket for a slightly more contrasty sky.

Just personal tastes, this is lovely as is.
Nice looking picture this :). Good colours but as Gary says above a little cropping would help with this. Possibly I would have taken it with the pile of stones in the bottom left and the 'point' at the top right but with a little cropping here and there.
Great potential in this one, the light looks lovely. I have to say I wouldn't mind seeing more impact from the sky, maybe bracketing as Gary suggested could work. Perhaps the composisition needs something else too, maybe going closer to the stones and missing out the heather bottom right.

Nice shot all the while however.
I love this picture! Really understated. To me, it looks like you've taken it straight from the camera and as already mentioned, I reckon some simple pp would really lift things. Composition isn't an issue with me - maybe crop a bit off the bottom (the depth of your sig), but other than than I am cool with it as it is. The pile of manure(?) on the right is a slight distraction, but other than landscaping the place, you can't really control that :)