Durdle Door HDR

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I'm new around here so be gentle, went to Durdle Door last Sunday, apart from coming back with some battered leg muscles from the walk I came away with this. I've not masked out anything which is why some of the people look a bit blurry but thoughts?
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I'm new here too so I don't know much in terms of technical stuff, but I love this shot! Especially the left hand side of it - the natural bridge, light on the water... gorgeous!
The piece of "land" or rock on the left with the arch looks overly sharp making it look a bit flat, almost like say in an extreme case a fake card backing background. i.e. has no depth/3d to it. I've explained that really badly ;)
But nice shot otherwise.
it looks good to me, some nice colour, rule of thirds applied, maybe a bit over saturatated. This would look well with the toy town or tilt shift effect imo.
I was at Durdle Door last Sunday too :D

Have to say though, it's waaay too processed for my liking - seems like every edge has a halo.
Sorry , but to me i think it looks a little bit over saturated (not that i am expert)
Thanks people, appreciate it all. I'll give it another go and tone down the saturation :)

I was at Durdle Door last Sunday too :D

Have to say though, it's waaay too processed for my liking - seems like every edge has a halo.

Were you one of the lads I went past with 2x tripods?
Sorry this is way too overdone for my liking.

The 'Door' itself and the cliffs towards Bat's Head just look like they've been copied and pasted on - mainly due to the Halo's - a side effect of the HDR I guess.

Obviously quite a harsh afternoon light. Do you really need an HDR? I'd be interested in seeing the original shot(s).
What bothers me about the shot is the brownish haze over the north end of Portland - normally anything that obscures Portland is a good thing (not a lover of rock apes :D) but in this case it is a very distracting smudge on the horizon.
I like it simply because it is a sunny day......something we have not seen in Scotland since the beginning of June.......................2008 :crying:
Sorry this is way too overdone for my liking.

The 'Door' itself and the cliffs towards Bat's Head just look like they've been copied and pasted on - mainly due to the Halo's - a side effect of the HDR I guess.

Obviously quite a harsh afternoon light. Do you really need an HDR? I'd be interested in seeing the original shot(s).

Originals (handheld) :





Hope you don't mind, but had a quick play with those original jpegs.

I like the original but there are a few halos that keep catching my eye when I look at it.

A quick fiddle and I got, which has a bit of an orange colour cast which isnt easy to get rid of with just the jpegs.

using these settings in photomatix:

I also stuck it in lightroom and used a gradient overlay to add more saturation to the sky and a little bit of a darkening....oh and a gave the overall image a bit of a contrast boost.

I like the shot, but think playing a bit more just to get rid of the halos and it would be a cracker :)
Thanks Jimmy, I've used your settings and re done it, along with suggestions by others, toning down the brown smog above portland and reducing halos. Also tried to mask off the beach to get rid of the ghosts and bring some more natural colour back. Is it worse now :shrug:

Beach area is good but the vignette is slightly 'so what' and the halo around the cliffs is a bit nasty. It's a great viewpoint and a nice shot that's different to the deserted beach/sunset shot you always see of this landmark.