Dusk light trails

Not too shabby at all :)

however, you have put the horizon almost dead centre and I think I would have liked to see more of the light trail and a little less sky.

Why's it grainy though? Should be shooting about ISO 100 with a tripod?
Not to shabby Mike, but then I would expect anything less ;) I mean if I cannot help you get a decent light trails I'd be pretty rubbish :D just think what you will be able to do once your shooting with decent camera (y) you will be out shining Darrell and me :bonk:

That camera is woeful at handling long exposures

That noise is on another level. :p
Nice capture, something I'd like to try sometime.

Hope you don't mind. :)

I'm totally sure why it's that grainy. I hate to blame my tools but my camera is only 3.3 mp

It is that camera mate, It really doesnt like low light situations, sound daft but it handles noise better at iso 200 than 100 (No idea why), and from what i remember F6 was about the sharpest point aswell(y)