Dusk reflections

What a striking sceen. I think the elements of the second just makes it a better shot i.e less smudging from cloud movement and more trexture in the sea. Would be tempted to increase the saturation slightly around the sky just above the horizon though. You won't find many shoots like this on TP but I think it works really well. (y)
These are beautiful, could you give me an idea of your settings and methods used to get shots. This type of shot is something I would love to be able to do.
What a striking sceen. I think the elements of the second just makes it a better shot i.e less smudging from cloud movement and more trexture in the sea. Would be tempted to increase the saturation slightly around the sky just above the horizon though. You won't find many shoots like this on TP but I think it works really well. (y)

Thanks Scott for the comments. I will give your suggestion of increased saturation a try.

These are beautiful, could you give me an idea of your settings and methods used to get shots. This type of shot is something I would love to be able to do.

Paul thats for the comment. To be honest I took several shots during the period of the sun going down, with a bit of trial and error. I mostly used long exposures of about 30 secs, with a 9 stop neutral density filter, and neutral density grad filter. I shot in raw mode, which allowed me to make more adjustments in the post processing stage.

What part of devon did you take these from? pretty cool

These were taken just along the coast from Brixham.

(y) beautiful scenes evoking tranquillity :d

My personal favourite is #1 for the ethereal dream like quality of the sea

Thanks Tina for your comments.
really like them both. I usually am a big fan of abstract photos like the first, but am swayed towards the second purely on the slightly increased texture in both the sea and sky definition. Really nice work.

Do you think maybe lighting up the left side where that rail is would help increase the elements in the photo possibly? Just a suggestion to maybe play with. Good work.
I'm viewing these on my laptop so it's not the best sceen to make a judgement from but i do think the edit is an improvement. It certainly doesn't look overdone.

OoOoOoOh very very nice indeed :clap::clap::clap:

Your re-edit is even stronger (y)

i really like them :)

Fantasticantos. Well done.

Very nice

really like them both. I usually am a big fan of abstract photos like the first, but am swayed towards the second purely on the slightly increased texture in both the sea and sky definition. Really nice work.

Do you think maybe lighting up the left side where that rail is would help increase the elements in the photo possibly? Just a suggestion to maybe play with. Good work.

Thanks guys for all your input and comments.