


took this when i was away and is more or less right out the camera, i like this shot but not sure how or if it can be improved upon , any comments welcome


this is another angle on the same shot not sure which one i prefer.
Apart from the horizon being off level, I think it's a corker. Maybe some adjustment to bring the sky out a bit more. I like silhouette shots and having most of the black going diagonally seems to work. The feathery grass against the sky is great, possibly the only thing which MIGHT be a little off putting would be the sun breaking between the clouds so centrally. A really nice shot though imo. :)
definately prefer the second, really nice feel to it, nice reflection on the water too, nice sky, all round good!
The sky in the second shot is by far the better but, I think the first with the feathery grass is the better pic, IF the sky was processed like the second. :)
Sorry they are both equally as good...but the first would benefit from a little ps.