DXO NIK Collection 4 with Affinity Photo

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I am using Photolab 5 and having installed NIL Collection 4 have all working except the two Sharpener Pro plugins - when using them they just produce a grey pixelated image:-

Sharpner Pro.jpg

I have contacted DXO and gone through a few suggestions they made but in the end it has been referred to the developers. :(

However, I have been completely unsuccessful in installing NIK Collection 4 as a plugin to Affinity Photo.
Previously I could install the 'old' Google NIK set and have use of two of the plugins but the new set just don't install at all.
I am using an iMac M1 and have installed Rosetta just in case but nothing gets them available from within Affinity - maybe I am missing something.
Would appreciate any input, especially from anyone who has succeeded in getting it to work with Affinity Photo on an Apple M1.
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Managed to get it installed as a plugin to Affinity ... bizarrely the two Sharpener Pro plugins work in Affinity though not working in PL5! :thinking:
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