E21 BMW 316i

nice use of fisheye on no.2. a decent set overall. the colour really sets off against the moody setting.
These look brilliant dude!

Really like the processing! If I had to fault any of them it'd be that #4 is cropped in a slightly distracting way, but thats just me!

What fisheye lens are you using by the way?
:agree: with michael
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Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it!

seen both sets on CS stunning

also pitty your werent closer to me i could have shadowed you on a shoot and picked your brain abit

I know yeah, you're a fair way away :p

These look brilliant dude!

Really like the processing! If I had to fault any of them it'd be that #4 is cropped in a slightly distracting way, but thats just me!

What fisheye lens are you using by the way?

Cheers. Yeah I sort of know what you're saying, I'll have a play in Lightroom and see if any sort of crop might improve it.

I'm using the Sigma 15mm F2.8 :)
Nice set Niall, Golden Square in Warrington? really like the fish eye shots, add to that ive always wanted a E21 lol
#3 Is ubelieveable! the composition, the lighting.. Its all amazing! Cracking shot that anyone would be proud of having in their portfolio! Top work. Well done (y)
Absolutely superb. Never a fan of the fish eye style but I love these.

Wouldn't change a thing.
Great set, thought I recognised the location as I live 5 minutes away but never thought about shooting here!!!
#3 is awesome, rest sadly don't work for me with cars in background etc. Car is phenomenal btw!