Early morning outing around Leeds & Liverpool canal to test phone camera.

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In the hope of having a useful alternative for when I don't want to take my dslr on family days out etc. I have recently upgraded my phone for one with a better camera (Huawei P30 Pro), so on Saturday morning I went out for a wander around the outskirts of Leeds city centre to give it a bit of a test.
The phone does have it's limits and quirks but overall I think I'm happy enough knowing I can get what I would consider decent shots with something that I pretty much always have with me.
I should mention that the conditions were quite favourable in that there was generally some good soft light with lots of broken cloud.

Leeds Waterfront Apartments by NP UK, on Flickr

Leeds & Liverpool Canal by NP UK, on Flickr

Leeds & Liverpool Canal Monochrome by NP UK, on Flickr

Broadcasting Place by NP UK, on Flickr

Bridgewater Place Monochrome by NP UK, on Flickr

Bridgewater Beyond by NP UK, on Flickr
Are these SOOC or have they been processed on a proper editing piece of softwar?
Are these SOOC or have they been processed on a proper editing piece of softwar?

Not straight out of camera but all processed on the phone with free apps. The first three were processed using Snapseed and the last three were processed with Lightroom mobile (free version with no access to local adjustments).
the first two looks like the colour is over processed and the last two are showing
heavy sharpening edges.
Not sure where this is coming from. Have you tried raw files from the P30 pro yet.?
the first two looks like the colour is over processed and the last two are showing
heavy sharpening edges.
Not sure where this is coming from. Have you tried raw files from the P30 pro yet.?

I must admit, I do still have difficulty processing the images on the phone screen because even for a decent sized phone, it's still small compared to a monitor and my eyesight isn't great.

I have tried the RAW dng files but to be honest I'm not convinced by those at the moment.....
I started by taking three shots at a time firstly with the "AI" function on, then "AI" function off, then in RAW. After reviewing a few shots like that I came to the conclusion that...
AI switched on were over sharpened (well known).
RAW shots were quite noisy (although that was before the sun came up properly so was still quite dark).
So I decided at the time that the phone jpeg with no AI were the better compromise as they obviously have some noise reduction applied.

I think next time out I will try using the RAW format again but edit on the monitor rather than on the phone screen as trying to balance noise and sharpening on a phone is almost impossible for me.
The second is a great shot, number one is very good, does show some distortion but that could be corrected.

I find it better not to say ‘phone shot’ as it it takes the emphasis away from what are very good pics and people can’t get ‘past’ that.