Early morning walk (strange clouds)

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Out and about early this morning, trying to use manual mode and trying to get correct exposures. Aarrgh! tis not easy, but got three that I am reasonably happy with despite my crappy tripod shaking in the wind.


Nice shots.

First one leaves me cold. Doesnt do anything for me.

I'd be tempted to crop the 2nd one and (trees and sky) go monotone with some extra work on the sky to bring out the details more

The last one is IMHO the best. As RobL says - could do with some burning saturation work (HDR or otherwise).
Love the last one, so much that I had a little play in photoshop.

Heres my take. (hope you don't think I'm intruding on your thread mate)


Love the last one, so much that I had a little play in photoshop.

Likewise :)

Had a play with it myself. Brought the white point in Levels down a tad and tweaked the gamma and the result was the same as Martin's. I tried with a polarising effect on the sky, even double filtering it but felt that it didn't add anything to the scene.

Nice shot (y)
Ooooh, That last one ...so nice, wonderful sky.

I like Martins take on it too, pulling up the sky and colours... nice boarder idea as well.

There's a lovely light that I noticed in all your shots, before I saw the last one....I kinda though, oh these are going to be nice, scrolled down and there it was. :clap:

Flippin good capture of that morning mate. (y)
I like what you have done with the 3rd pic, I quickly converted the raws this morning and still being a bit bleery eyed thought it looked ok, much more punch added there so thank you. How did you create the border it really adds to the pic.
i had a go at this HDR malarky, it doesn't look a great deal different to my eyes and I converted the trees shot to mono and burned the sky a bit.

1. Whilst the sky is better the ground IHMO is overcooked.
HDR takes some getting the hang of (so it appears) and even then results (again it appears) range from Urm :( through YEAH :) to whoops Cherynobyl :embarrassed:!

2. Result (y) :) IHMO.
Nice pics mate (y)

B&W conversion is good and I am with group that #3 from series is my fav.
I love Martins processed version of that last one. Makes the colours and the contrast really pop IMO.

Stephen is this the same place just outside Blackburn? I'm gonna have to give this place a try one morning (y)
Hi Marcel, yes it is the same spot, after looking at my previous pics I wanted to try different views. the light is always changing cos of the hight and the wind affecting the clouds etc. Give me a shout when you are thinking of venturing out and I will meet you if you want.
Certainly will mate. I'd be up for that....Do you have a link to Multimap or something where it is? (I think you showed me before but I've lost the link).
The footpath starts at the top of Well Lane in Brinscall and from there leads heads across the moors going to the top of a high hill offering views across from the Welsh hills to the Lake district (on a good day). Brinscall is between Blachburn and Chorley and a couple of miles from Abbey Village.