Ebay/PayPal thieving bunch of *****

I found this out the hard way as well and lost £70 when some lying git claimed not to have received a phone I sold them and PP deducted the money from me leaving me with no phone and no money

I always, always send it requiring a signature on delivery now no matter what it is
The moral of this story is... Don't use Ebay to sell ANYTHING, unfortunately it's full a scammers now, and like i have found out a few times, you will lose money at some time.
The moral of this story is... Don't use Ebay to sell ANYTHING, unfortunately it's full a scammers now, and like i have found out a few times, you will lose money at some time.

No, the moral of the story is think (and research) before you do anything online, and follow the rules on eBay (and Paypal).
? I followed the rules on Ebay and i still lost £90 on a phone sale, without going into detail, the buyer simply disputed that my phone was a genuine model (it was) i lost the money and never got my phone back.
So if I buy something from Amazon & it doesn't turn up what am I to do, just suck it up?

My wife sells for a living on eBay, never had a problem, although she sells vintage & antique ceramics, never sends signed for. In the five years she has been trading she has posted probably over 2000 parcels most via RM and not a single one has gone missing and very few breakages (y)

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? I followed the rules on Ebay and i still lost £90 on a phone sale, without going into detail, the buyer simply disputed that my phone was a genuine model (it was) i lost the money and never got my phone back.

You probably do need to go into detail (or did the buyer obtain an independent report?).

Part of my business was mobile phones, and we sold many on eBay. They don't just believe the buyer if he was to claim a phone was fake/faulty (nor will they refund unless the item is returned first, unless the seller is deemed to be uncooperative).
eBay and PayPal are adjusting some of the rules but the only way they can see if someone received is by tracking and signatures. A friend just had a lengthy battle bought an iPad off the bay, box arrived by RMSD two days later, but the box was empty, it was an iPad box but had no iPad in it, he signed for it, without checking the contents. Now this is impossible to sort out, seller says they sent it and has proof that they posted something to him, but he did not get what he bought.

PayPal refuse to refund him, so he threatened to get the police involved told the seller and he got a refund but very lucky. The seller is still selling iPads on the bay, maybe an error but stinks of a scam. But EBay don't ban the seller as nothing was proven and in their eyes the seller was very honarable by giving the refund.
A proper ipad will weigh a certain amount. An empty box will weigh less. The empty box scam is a guaranteed way to get money out of people. Ebay don't care a hoot that their site is full of thieves and cheats. If you match the weights you can pretty much guarantee you can scam the buyer.

I think people that have had stuff go missing and think the buyer or seller are being dishonest should always involve the police. There is a special online fraud section that is probably the best one to contact. http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

Once ebay realise they're basically functioning as an accessory then they'll have to tighten up procedures.

Perhaps the 'nothing arrived' or 'empty box' dispute should only be accompanied by a crime number? This way those that report it will have to involve the police in the first place so the dishonest buyers won't use it and dishonest sellers will realise plod is going to find them out.
In the last month I've used ebay to sell for the first time in years, I really wish I hadn't. Sold an item, buyer returned it and I refunded straight away so I put it up for sale again but she left me negative feedback so it sold for £100 less than it did originally. Got an email Christmas morning and ebay have kindly taken 10% of the original sale as a charity donation (I support my local hospice), I wouldn't mind but seeing as I had to refund the buyer 10% of zero is zero but they still took over £40 and will be trying to take another £30 for the successful sale too...
What's all this with taking final value fees on postage costs as well?
What's all this with taking final value fees on postage costs as well?

It's what happens when there is no real competition, or respect for users - you get to do what you want!
? I followed the rules on Ebay and i still lost £90 on a phone sale, without going into detail, the buyer simply disputed that my phone was a genuine model (it was) i lost the money and never got my phone back.

I had this problem in the States, and PayPal didn't return the buyers money until they verified that I received the package back. They bought an AT&T locked phone, and tried to activate it on another carrier... people are stupid.
I think sending anything that has been paid for without it going, at least, Recorded Delivery is a big mistake!

Sending via recorded doesn't guarantee very much as it doesn't even need to be the addressee who signs for it, as long as someone signs for it Royal Mail is happy.

Only one that requires a signature from the addressee is Special Delivery, however I recently sent a lens to someone via Special Delivery and it never turned up at the correct address, it was supposedly signed by the person I sent it to but someone had just signed in his/her name, it was eventually found two doors away ;-)

The Paypal chargeback scam is one reason I don't sell on eBay anymore.

I've even seen scams where the buyer pays by Paypal Gift to avoids any fees for both parties, and then meets to collect the item, collects it, goes home and then claims via PayPal for non delivery and gets his cash back plus HAS the item.

Your free proof of posting will insure your item going missing just the same as recorded, all recorded does is add a signature to the process, it doesn't insure the item any better.

You have to wait 15 days, then claim.

I've even seen scams where the buyer pays by Paypal Gift to avoids any fees for both parties, and then meets to collect the item, collects it, goes home and then claims via PayPal for non delivery and gets his cash back plus HAS the item.

Sorry, but I don't believe this has happened (or can happen) so I don't see how you have "seen scams" that you describe.

Firstly, you can't use PP gift to pay on eBay, it isn't part of the checkout process.
Secondly, if they did somehow manage to pay with PP Gift, then they can't file for non delivery, you officially can't buy items with PP Gift, it's supposed to be to send money to friends and family (the clue is in the title), it's to send money as a GIFT.

Your free proof of posting will insure your item going missing just the same as recorded, all recorded does is add a signature to the process, it doesn't insure the item any better.

You have to wait 15 days, then claim.


Except Recorded Delivery will qualify for seller protection on Paypal, proof of posting won't.
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Sending via recorded doesn't guarantee very much as it doesn't even need to be the addressee who signs for it, as long as someone signs for it Royal Mail is happy.

Possibly, but in answer to the O/P's issue the answer is correct - additionally Paypal will ask for proof of delivery in the event of a dispute, Recorded Delivery is the minimal way to provide that.
Possibly, but in answer to the O/P's issue the answer is correct - additionally Paypal will ask for proof of delivery in the event of a dispute, Recorded Delivery is the minimal way to provide that.

True, still doesn't mean the addressee received it though, just that someone did ;-) I never use recorded as its just not worth the extra.


True, still doesn't mean the addressee received it though, just that someone did ;-) I never use recorded as its just not worth the extra.


Unless you actually want to follow the rules and be covered by Paypal Seller Protection.
Sorry, but I don't believe this has happened (or can happen) so I don't see how you have "seen scams" that you describe.

Firstly, you can't use PP gift to pay on eBay, it isn't part of the checkout process.
Secondly, if they did somehow manage to pay with PP Gift, then they can't file for non delivery, you officially can't buy items with PP Gift, it's supposed to be to send money to friends and family (the clue is in the title), it's to send money as a GIFT.

Except Recorded Delivery will qualify for seller protection on Paypal, proof of posting won't.

I agree with you... where does one see these scams... sometimes people like to bend or exaggerate the truth just to be negative... And you can't claim non-receipt of an item if you pay with gift... doesn't work that way... It's bad for anyone to use gift to pay for goods, and if you receive gift for goods, you are violation the terms.... PAY THE FEES...
Sold a Nikon 85mm 1.4 on eBay last month, ironically one of my last items on there as I had decided to stop using it in future.

6 weeks later, my PayPal account is currently £812 in the red as the buyer has initiated a 'unauthorized payment' with his credit card company (so hasn't gone through eBay at all). As luck would have it I kept my RMSD receipt so have uploaded that and a screenshot of the online delivery notification (showing signature etc). Will see what happens but as far as I can tell, I comply fully with PayPal seller protection.

Quite the scam, I wonder how many people keep all of their RMSD receipts for several months on the off-chance somebody might try to scam them. Despite doing nothing wrong I currently have a borked PayPal account, the worry of losing £800 over my head etc, the sad part is it will presumably have absolutely no impact on this buyers eBay account and he will no doubt be trying it again and again with every purchase he makes.
Sold a Nikon 85mm 1.4 on eBay last month, ironically one of my last items on there as I had decided to stop using it in future.

6 weeks later, my PayPal account is currently £812 in the red as the buyer has initiated a 'unauthorized payment' with his credit card company (so hasn't gone through eBay at all). As luck would have it I kept my RMSD receipt so have uploaded that and a screenshot of the online delivery notification (showing signature etc). Will see what happens but as far as I can tell, I comply fully with PayPal seller protection.

Quite the scam, I wonder how many people keep all of their RMSD receipts for several months on the off-chance somebody might try to scam them. Despite doing nothing wrong I currently have a borked PayPal account, the worry of losing £800 over my head etc, the sad part is it will presumably have absolutely no impact on this buyers eBay account and he will no doubt be trying it again and again with every purchase he makes.

I'd be reporting the buyer to the police for fraud, theft by deception etc though they may try to suggest it's a civil matter that or sending a letter before action to him by recorded post and then taking them to court, and after winning I'd then escalate it to the high court and send the bailiffs in
The one that cancelled the transaction might not be the same person that bought it via ebay in the first place. There is a lot of this fraud about.
Before posting anything of value I always check the buyers address on google earth ,one item that went for over £500 would have ended up at a row of lock up garages in London ,I.e no 38 xyz street the street ended at no.34 .you can imagine someone sat there in a car waiting to sign for it ,sale cancelled money refunded ,then the abusive messages started .i blocked the buyer
I relisted the item a week or so later and got a genuine buyer that paid a couple of hundred more for it .
You have no hope unless you have a signature. I have an astonishing story were a customer left positive feedback that had received the item and was happy only to open a dispute for not receiving the item. I think you can guess the outcome.
Before posting anything of value I always check the buyers address on google earth ,one item that went for over £500 would have ended up at a row of lock up garages in London ,I.e no 38 xyz street the street ended at no.34 .you can imagine someone sat there in a car waiting to sign for it ,sale cancelled money refunded ,then the abusive messages started .i blocked the buyer
I relisted the item a week or so later and got a genuine buyer that paid a couple of hundred more for it .

Nothing gets posted if it isn't to the address in the Paypal confirmation email and marked as eligible for seller protection...
Quite the scam, I wonder how many people keep all of their RMSD receipts for several months on the off-chance somebody might try to scam them. Despite doing nothing wrong I currently have a borked PayPal account, the worry of losing £800 over my head etc, the sad part is it will presumably have absolutely no impact on this buyers eBay account and he will no doubt be trying it again and again with every purchase he makes.

There is an app called Scanner Pro on iPhone (must also be similar on Android, I would expect) that uses the camera to scan documents and then upload them to the cloud. I scan every postage receipt and they are basically kept forever.
You have no hope unless you have a signature. I have an astonishing story were a customer left positive feedback that had received the item and was happy only to open a dispute for not receiving the item. I think you can guess the outcome.

PayPal Seller Protection suggests I'm ok with the evidence I have (and have submitted), namely the original RMSD receipt clearly showing the Paypal confirmed address it was sent to, and the delivery notification and signature from Royal Mail.
Nothing gets posted if it isn't to the address in the Paypal confirmation email and marked as eligible for seller protection...

dave they sell several items for 99p you'll possibly even find there mates buy them and leave 100% feedback even if the stuff never gets posted or delivered once they have over 10 there plain sailing and can order expensive stuff ad-lib .anything worth money is as i said checked against google earth address pics to verify its going to a proper looking place of residence ,careful am i but thats probably why i have a 1300+ 100% feedback
Yep! Still crooks doing exactly the same thing.
dave they sell several items for 99p you'll possibly even find there mates buy them and leave 100% feedback even if the stuff never gets posted or delivered once they have over 10 there plain sailing and can order expensive stuff ad-lib .anything worth money is as i said checked against google earth address pics to verify its going to a proper looking place of residence ,careful am i but thats probably why i have a 1300+ 100% feedback

I have pretty similar (100% positive) feedback going all the way back to 2003, so far without any issues (touch wood), but then I follow the eBay and Paypal rules to the letter.

I'd rather refund than send to an unverified Paypal address (you don't get a Paypal verified address just by selling a few 99p items), as long as the item is addressed exactly as per the verified address and is signed for at that address you would be covered by Seller Protection. Anything over £50 value goes RMSD, no exceptions.

I've had a number of transactions over £1k and even a watch to Austria for £2.2k without any problems.
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all the way back to 2003,

Wasn't ebay so much better back then though? free ebay payments - did exactly the same as paypal without fees. Selling fees were pennies, bargains were plentiful and search results were not over run with chinese tat.
I don't understand this thread. Customer buys something online and it doesn't turn up and you don't think they should get their money back?

FWIW recorded or RMSD doesn't protect you if the item is lost in post, no signiture no money back.
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That's not correct.
If theres no signature or tracking doesn't show its been delivered then your item is simply lost in the post, it doesn't matter whether it is sent recorded or not, eBay will not refund your costs. Its not eBay job to refund items lost in the post.
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If theres no signature or tracking doesn't show its been delivered then your item is simply lost in the post, it doesn't matter whether it is sent recorded or not, eBay will not refund your costs. Its not eBay job to refund items lost in the post.
That's not what you said above. you said recorded or RMSD didn't protect you if item was lost in the post, and it does. you never mentioned getting money back from eBay. :)
That's not what you said above. you said recorded or RMSD didn't protect you if item was lost in the post, and it does. you never mentioned getting money back from eBay. :)
Point taken :)
I don't understand this thread. Customer buys something online and it doesn't turn up and you don't think they should get their money back?

FWIW recorded or RMSD doesn't protect you if the item is lost in post, no signiture no money back.

RM are pretty good at paying out if they lose or damage a parcel, one very simple form to complete and send in.
RM are pretty good at paying out if they lose or damage a parcel, one very simple form to complete and send in.

Can all be done online now, and a week or two later a cheque appears in the post.