Eclipse disappointment. ..

I couldn't see the eclipse here in Kent...

The bloody moon was in the way! Grrrr :mad::mad::mad:

I was not disappointed. I expected cloud to obscure it and got what I thought would happen. That seems to be the way with almost all these astronomical events.
Thick cloud in mid- Hampshire. Security lights came on as light dropped at work & the birds went quiet. There was also a cold breeze & then it was all over. Didn't actually "see" anything
There was a thinner gap in the cloud here in Malvern which made photos much easier than if it had been clear. JohnB, interesting you saying about the birds going quiet. I remember that happening for the full eclipse in 99, but I was out on a bird-filled common this morning, and the robins and skylarks didn't pause in their singing.
On Carlton Hill in Edinburgh when the sun went behind a dark cloud 15 mins before the fullest extent of the eclipse all the birds started jumping up and down, cheering and hooting. Then it came out again. When the real minimum arrived 15 minutes later they were quite quiet.

Oh, you meant feathered birds! :)
Thanks to the guy who was going to cover me having his engine blow up, I'm stuck at work. :grumpy:
Here's a quick shot I managed to get out of the window with an S90 compact and the free Sky at Night magazine eclipse watching glasses.

2015 Eclipse
by Tori_T on Talk Photography
It was nice to watch, but to me most the photos I've seen just look like a crescent moon. I've seen a few sequence shots done that was nice though and interesting to see. I got a few shots myself, but only for the simple fact I can say I did it.
Trust me, its the same whenever or wherever you see it.

Been like that for millions of years I understand.

Unlikely to change for a few togs to get pics either.
No disappointment here in South Wales this morning;

P3200757 (Large).JPG

I was a bit worried at the vital moment, cos the Autofocus would not work on the small sun disc. I had to use Manual Focus.

My Olympus Epl5 and me don't get on with MF when looking at small objects.

However, as you see I did manage it.

My moon went from right to left. I am sure I have seen BBC pictures with it going from left to right!! Maybe they were using a telescope or something.

Saw it up here no problem. Don't see what all the damn fuss was about. No big deal:rolleyes:
Pretty unnoticeable here, because of the usual dull, gloomy, skies. I'm still not sure if it actually darkened at all, or if that was just heavy cloud. Most people hardly seemed to be aware of it.

I've seen several eclipses - never a total though - in other countries where it was bright and sunny. Major difference.
Saw it up here no problem. Don't see what all the damn fuss was about. No big deal:rolleyes:

Yeah - better to fake something like that in Photoshop. Saves a lot of faffing about.
All visible through the clouds here so no need for filters, glasses et al:rolleyes:
In Taunton there was quite thick cloud cover so the "bite" out of the sun was clearly visible through the clouds without the need for welding masks etc
In Taunton there was quite thick cloud cover so the "bite" out of the sun was clearly visible through the clouds without the need for welding masks etc
I was at Ham Wall, so not too far away. I used the cloud filter until just about maximum when I had to resort to the home made Baader. A few images on another thread with the processed ones on Flickr. All to the accompaniment of booming bitterns - a bit different to 1999 which was to the accompaniment of Concorde going supersonic right overhead.