Edinburgh Garve undertaking

Edit My Images
Had some spare time when i had a appointment in the town so took my camera but was cut short





Good set,last shot for me.
I'm sorry to say none of these really do anything for me.

1 - The sky is far too bright, it isn't level, the guy is lost in the photo and it looks like urine going down the path.
2 - Too grainy for me, not level and it still looks like urine down the floor too me.
3 - Sky is blown, the background isn't blurry enough to give some nice bokeh, but it also isn't sharp enough to be a feature. Needs a wider aperture IMO. I'd also like to see all of the name.
4 - This is better, the stairs lead nicely into the monument thingy, and B&W suits it! The sky is too blown for me again.
5 - This one is also better, nice subject, well lit. Needs straightening up and it's a shame you've cropped the corner. The sky is again blown.

The 4th is the strongest composition for me, and the one that looks like it could make a nice image! Please don't feel my crit is trying to knock you down, I'm purely trying to show where you went wrong for improvement. The main issues here bar the sky can be fixed pretty quickly in photoshop!

Welcome to the forum by the way!
he's right on all counts but there is enough there to show that with a little care they could have been good shots.