Editing and LPOTY


Edit My Images
LPOTY Entries - In these categories, the integrity of the subject must be maintained and the making of physical changes to the landscape is not permitted.

You may not, for example, remove fences, move trees or strip in the sky from another image, paint the foreground or paint out the background.

So does that mean you can't clone out a small gap in the clouds, or a ripple on water?

I have an image in the Peak District where there's a gap in the clouds, and I think it looks better with that edited out so as not to draw the eye, but I'm wondering if that is acceptable for the main category or whether I should keep it edited out and place it in the 'Your View' category.
Late to answering but I would be putting that in the your view category. I've a few like this too. I removed a couple of photographers from one shot, and whilst not altering the landscape, I played it safe and put it in your view.
Thanks for the reply. I actually emailed lpoty and got a reply saying that it was fine to enter the images in classic view as it wasn't altering the "geographical makeup of the landscape", so I entered them into that category.
Yes you can't edit out clouds, they're a geographical part of the image, the images I was unsure about were one with a tiny campervan in which I removed, and lighthouse, with a few tiny ships on the horizon, all were fine to clone out and enter in classic view.