Elgol, Isle of Skye

It's unfortunate about the weather but you've still captured a great image.

The sky is great and looks very menacing looking lurking over the mountains. You've also captured the sea nicely by softening the water but still keeping the motion which adds drama to the image. Great capture.
Few people attempt a mono version of this subject matter and get it right, its refreshing to see such a good picture

You've produced an image that isn't over-stylised either in composition, or in terms of shutterspeed relative to sea or sky. It has a natural feel akin to the actual experience of being there. You've maintained a good range of tones and they are differentiated within the mountain range itself giving a good sense of how it curves round cupping the great hollow of Coruisk. It's more emotionally evocative from the fact that it's not overdone, for anyone with a liking for such natural places. Refreshing to see.
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