Elgol storm brewing

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One from my archives. A trip to Elgol on a sunny day, but as I was shooting I could see the storm clouds gathering around the Cuillin (as is often the case).
Over my left shoulder the sun was still shining.

Interesting light, I hope you did not get caught in the storm the weather can close in really quick up there. Congratulations on winning the POTY by the way your photos were exceptional I really enjoyed viewing them.
Thanks folks.
Mark the weather has been awful lately, and doesnt look like improving here anytime soon :thumbsdown:
Very nice Marie - as others have said there's a lovely light to it.

It's actually nice to see this shot as it's a pretty true representation of what you get most of the time !
It's a shame the snow has gone from the Cullins, I was there in December and we were blessed with great light and lots of snow, couldn't get to Elgol one morning due to the gritter lorry getting stuck !!!

Went to Loch Ainort instead and shot the Red Cullins with snow in very soft pre-dawn twilight.

I hope you don't mind me posting on your thread, you live in a wonderful place, a real mecca for landscape photography.