Elton Flash - A Misty Morning

Andy Grant
Edit My Images
Went back to Elton Flash today as it was a fine, cloudless and frosty morning. However, in rolled the fog and made bird shots more difficult as it wasn't as bright as I'd hoped. Still all was not lost as I decided to try and capture the mood of the place. I wanted to make it look like it was taken a long time ago so left in the noise and converted to b&w with a little diffuse glow and a load of contrast.

Does it work? I'm not sure. :thinking:

All c&c appreciated.


Does it work?

Does for me!

Highlights... Love the bird on the left with it's reflection in the water. Also really like the subtle graininess on the horizon with the trees in the mist. (y)

I do keep finding my eye shooting down to the bottom left and that bit of wood, so am not sure whether that's a bit of a distraction. Think I'd need to see it without to make my mind up.

Other than that... a big thumby from me. :D
Cheers guys and I'm in 2 minds about the stump myself, I'll have a look at it without.

I think its improved it.....

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Thanks Peter, I think you're right it is an improvement.

I like both versions, but I'd be tempted to clone out the stump and leave the bird in the forground. Worth a bash?
I like both versions, but I'd be tempted to clone out the stump and leave the bird in the forground. Worth a bash?

Certainly is mate (y) I'll have a go tomorrow.


OK, final edit I think. This seems to me to be the best balanced (as suggested by numero 23) and could well be printed large, although I don't know where I'm going to hang it as the wife doesn't like it, not artistic like us you see.

Anyone else got any ideas on this?


Nice photo

I like the 3 birds in flight and the 2 in the water

Well done (y)
The crop works better for me - that could easily be a gatefold album cover - very atmospheric!! (y)
I like the light in this a lot (y)

I think the stump would work if it was a little more inside the image rather than at the edge where it looks a little lost. It may have been a case of just moving the camera a couple of degrees to the left to give the stump a little more room
Love that now, Andy, although I actually meant to clone out the stump AND bird bottom left and leave the bird on the right as forground interest! :)
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Love that now, Andy, although I actually meant to clone out the stump AND bird bottom left and leave the bird on the right as forground interest! :)

Eee there's no pleasing some folk is there....

Thanks for all the comments folks I'm really pleased with this and intend to get it printed large.


Eee there's no pleasing some folk is there....

Thanks for all the comments folks I'm really pleased with this and intend to get it printed large.



I said it worked!:nuts:
I know mate, only joking, I appreciate your thoughts and advice.
