Emilia, Madeleine & Their Mum

Edit My Images




these were all edited from Nikon NEF files in picassa, quickly, simply and great fun...I am totally impressed with this free software!
Very nice Marianne, mum looks very deep in thought in both pics, the 2 girls look lovely and very nicely caught too ! First one may be a little too soft, i can see where you were going with it though :) (can always ignore me im hopeless at portraits anyway ;))
All shots are nice Marianne but I really like the third one of that little gal. She is absolutely beautiful in that one. I like the softness, I think it works well. you definitely caught a great moment there. The second one looks to 'posed' for my liking, but still a cutie. :)

thank you....I love them but then I'm biased.....

neither shot of Ali was posed, she had no idea I taking photos ;)
sorry Jules just re-read your comment, I guess you mean the cheeky one of little Maddie lying on the wall?, honestly she just did that for me, she is developing her poses for Grandma I think :LOL:

they are angelic...well for me and Barry, but for Mum and Dad.......hmmmm.....they are very clever ;)
#3 for me also but all are nice. I like the softness. Mom looks like she has allot on her mind and with 2 beautiful little girls I'm sure she often does.
Great shots especially No 4....you captured her expression just perfectly.....:)
Nice ones of the kids - very 'David Hamilton' lighty-stylee...
Thanks for that comment Arky, I forgot about David Hamilton, and yes after viewing his website, I can see the connection, I adore his work, so very romantic...I might even add a bit more grain lol
3rd shot is fantastic. Great composition and exposure. I'd be very proud to take a photo like that :clap:


Just wondered, did you do the soft edge on the 3rd shot in photoshop, with a filter on, or in that Picassa software ? Works really well. Thanks,
all the editing was done in picasa on the original RAW files, after editing I exported them because you get the size of file options and one of them is 800px which is kewl! picasa is so quick to use....I am a bit hooked!
Looked at these again - #3 is the best one here I reckon... brilliantly captured study in her expression there.
The photos of the girls are super - I share your pleasure in taking grandchildren and these - especially the thirs are something special.