Englishman's 52 - Week 1 - Accommodation

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OK, this is my first submission, in my first ever 52.


Why this?
I wanted to show the other side of modern life.
Whilst the majority of the population are still, despite the recession, very well cared for, there is are a small number who would have very little of the things we often take for granted.

What did I learn?
a) Asking my wife for help was welcomed. Must do this more often.
b) Take suitable clothing and gloves to this type of location.
c) Experiment with the flash, so change the lighting. Sometimes really helps lift the image.
d) Just be honest when the locals ask what you are doing. The guy I spoke to even offered to help :) and was very supportive.
e) Having a clear vision of what I wanted before I left my house really helped.
f) This is fun.
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Like the concept behind this, the glove and cans give it a "human" feel to it and makes me even more grateful that I am fortunate enough to have a roof over my head and a warm comfy bed.
I love this interpretation of the theme - very thought provoking.
It's really well executed too. The choice of the glove as the main focal point works on an artistic level by drawing your eye into the most vulnerable, human element of the scene - and technically, it's a very clever use of the patch of sunlight and DoF to draw attention to it.

Good to see your lessons learnt too.
Sounds like you're getting something really positive from this already (y)
I do like this interpretation

Glad to see you learned stuff too - it's these things that make us all better photographers.