Enjoying the view

I like the idea, two strangers, lost in their musical worlds, ignoring each other. There's something about this that I really like.
I really like this for a number of reasons.

Firstly the composition is good, there is balance in the structure, it is well contrasted and exposed. The depth of field nicely loses focus into the distance to help ensure we focus on the bench. There is a Rule of Thirds, in fact it works both vertically and horizontally.

Secondly, the actual subject matter is humourous and that always attracts. Two people so close in such a peaceful place yet both have big headphones on, blocking each other and the natural world out.

There is a 'no edit' tick so I haven't played with this, but I would have liked to play with the exposure on the non-lake areas of the shot, just to give it a lift. It's possibly a little too dark for me. To lighten the whole shot would only under-expose and white-out more of the lake where the reflection is presently appealing but some areas could be successfully lightened I think.

Nice shot, thanks for posting it :)
good visual narrative and social comment - love it
One suggestion I think a letterbox type crop would improve it as it would remove a lot of the
dead space top and bottom.
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good visual narrative and social comment - love it
One suggestion I think a letterbox type crop would improve it as it would remove a lot of the
dead space top and bottom.

I disagree, It's dead space that works to highlight the isolation of two strangers who are isolated by their headphones. IMVHO of course. :)
brilliant image :)

compositionally it works ok, although my gut instinct wants to try and crop it a little, and as the subjects are isolated by their headphones i'd be tempted to remove distractions like the pigeon from shot.

well done (y)
Liking this a lot. Such a simple composition yet so effective. It's bugging me though that the chap on the left is not sat more to the left as much as I like simple shots, I LOVE symmetrical ones! Great work!