Enzo's 365 - A day in my life

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Hi People,

Currently I would consider myself to be the embodiment of the word beginner in photography terms, but hopefully through the year I will show some real progression and have some good shots up.

I am excited by the prospect of doing a 365 as not only will it keep me taking shots but I will be able to look back on my year gone past.

Please feel free to comment and critique any of my photographs, it would be greatly appreciated.

This first image I took today when I went out for a walk in the snow. I love the fallen leaves on the snow as it reminds me of chocolate flakes on a hot chocolate drink, ha ha.


good luck with your challenge Lawrence, looking forward to seeing how you progress :)
good luck with your project, i am sure you will learn a lot over the coming year. good start, only 364 pictures to go...
Hi people,

I had not updated my 365 pretty much from the start as the only camera I had at use was the one on my iphone4.

I now have a nice Cannon 100D, So I intend to start taking better pictures more often.

Reflecting on the 365 process, I feel I may have bitten off more than I can chew due to time constraints. So from here on in I am going to consider this challenge as more of a 52.

Each week I will drop by a host a few shots I have taken through the week.
In January I am starting an introduction to digital photography night course, so hopefully my skills will develop fairly quickly.

Anyway, here are a couple of shots I took today.

Toys at Christmas


My new Fender

Here is a few pictures I took last night in Edinburgh.
I now understand the frustration of taking photo's at night without a tripod or other essential equipment.



Did you enjoy the fireworks :)? I was in Edinburgh too and enjoyed the show, albeit from quite a distance!
Hey there, yeah the firework display was spectacular. I have never seen the sky look so scarry.
Edinburgh at New Year is a great night but my god was it busy.