Epson R2880 problem...

woof woof

I like a nice Chianti
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Hi all,

I've been busy printing all today but I had a problem with banding on one picture. It's in landscape with some green and purple banding in a dark area of the picture. It starts a few mm in and ends about 10-15mm in from the right hand side, that's the last edge of the paper to exit the printer. It's only in the dark area and there's nothing at all to see in the lighter area.

I looked at the picture on screen and there's nothing there even when boosting brightness and contrast. I tried painting the banding area with a solid colour and it's still there.

What's got me baffled is there's nothing wrong with any other picture I've printed today and the nozzle print looks fine so I'd be happy to put it down to some sort of file issue with the problem picture (the only one I'm printing which wasn't taken by me, it's a cat picture taken by someone else with a phone) but painting the problem area with a solid colour doesn't make it go away so it looks like a printer issue.

If anyone can shed any light on this I'd be grateful as I just can't see what the problem is... looks like a printer issue but everything else prints fine including the nozzle print but how can it be a file / picture issue if I've painted the area where the banding should be (I can't see it on screen) and it's still there??????

If only I had a second printer or another picture of these cats.
I’ve not come across this before. Have you tried printing it on different size paper to see if it is consistent in the same place?

I haven't had time today but I'll have a couple of hours tomorrow to take another look.

One thing I did think of is printing it across the paper in portrait and see if the stripes move. Another thing I've thought of it taking a screen grab of it and printing that. I'm baffled at the moment but I'm tending towards it being a printer problem that for whatever reason hasn't shown up in any of the other pictures I've printed recently.
Sounds to me more like ink jet problems. have you done a maintenance check program on your printer-nozzle check and head head cleaning for example
Sounds to me more like ink jet problems. have you done a maintenance check program on your printer-nozzle check and head head cleaning for example

Done everything the utility has and everything looks fine as do other printed pictures. I agree it looks like a printer problem but one that hasn't shown up in nozzle tests or test prints or other printed pictures. Only this one :D I'll have another go at it this afternoon.

I just posed this out of frustration and amazement really as I can't pin it down :D
Do you have a print profile setup for the printer and paper. It could be that the colours on that area are out of gamut to the printer driver is substiting the colours in an attempt to match them but not doing a very good job.
Do you have a print profile setup for the printer and paper. It could be that the colours on that area are out of gamut to the printer driver is substiting the colours in an attempt to match them but not doing a very good job.

I'm just using CS5 or Windows 10 has. It recognises the printer and says what it is.

I thought the problem could be something to do with the file but what the problem could be I didn't know. It wasn't a jpeg but sadly I can't remember what it was, I just opened it and saved it as a jpeg. Today I opened it as a raw and saved it as a jpeg and printed it out and it was still there. I then printed it out in portrait and it's gone! and the picture is perfect!... I printed it again in landscape and it's there again so what the problem is I have absolutely no idea what so ever. If it was a printer issue I'd expect the change in orientation to just move the stripes about not to make them disappear, so I'm baffled.

I've showed my wife the affected picture and she can't see what I'm talking about so I'll give the cat owner the perfect smaller portrait picture and the faulty landscape picture and they can decide what they're happy with. I don't like doing this but until I can sort it out I can do no more.
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