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Hey Guys,

Wasn't sure where to post this so I put it here. I have been asked to do a equine portfolio shoot. Was just wondering what lighting people would reccomend, I dont want to spook the horse. Is Flash out of the option?


Unless you know the horse extremely well or the owner says it's ok it is usually a big no no to use flash around horses.

So it's natural light I'm afraid.
It very much depends on the horse Joe. For portraiture, most horses will be fine (but make sure you clear it with the owner first), but for the sport side, I would say definitely no as this be rather distracting for horse and rider.

That said, natural light is always best IMO. Beginning or end of the day is best in that regard, much better for showing the definition of the horse.
For sport you don't need it, its normally outside or in a floodlit arena, and many competitors, and spectators will greatly frown upon the use of flash, especially if it distracts the mounts, they are after all competing.

With "pet" shots again, I can't see many examples where you would have to use it. I'm a big fan of "natural is best" as far as lighting goes, and try to avoid flash where possible, most people would want nice pictures of their horses in bright daylight, its doubtful anyone's going to choose to have a picture took in a dingy stable that would warrant the use of flash, also flash on horse hair if not done extremely well tends to reflect horribly making the horse look sweaty/shiny.

If for some reason or preferance you want to use flash, check with the owner... and check with the horse!

Fire a few test flashs in a safe place to get the horse used to it, but remember you're trying to get it used to it, not bombard it! Safety first, a spooked horse can and will do a lot of damage to equipment, itself and people.

Always have the owner there, as they can read their horses better than you will be able to.

Sorry for the long post, good luck and remember to share the pics on here! (y)
for sports id say no. i get enough grief from riders from just my shutter noise.. let alone if i started popping off the 580 every shot.

as for portrait, it depends on the horse. it is possible to climatise a horse to flash but it may take some time.
as said before it depends on the type of shoot.

at an event NEVER use flash, its its a portrait shoot in the riders own time ask them, if they dont know as the rider if they mind you trying it, if the horse objects then don't continue, if it does then don't continue.

you don't NEED strobist fun for good horse portraits, for some it makes it but imo it is never necessary!