Evening Fox

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The dog Fox made his visit earlier this evening and I just caught sight of him from the kitchen window.
By the time I got the camera and opened the back door he was on his way down to the garden steps, I just got him in the viewfinder at the top of the steps, a bit too close really.
Having taken his photo he trotted down and spent a few minutes by my side in the back yard, before trotting off out of the side gate. :)

Fox visitor
by Roger, on Flickr
What an experience that was I bet Roger :)

It really is Adam, it's the third time he's spent a bit of time in the garden with me and it makes up for all I've been missing, every time. :)
Lovely Roger, wonderful to see him so up close. So much character in that face :)
Lovely Roger, wonderful to see him so up close. So much character in that face :)
Thanks Si, he's a relatively trusting character, I wish he would viit more frequently during the day. :)
Now that's a close up :)
He got closer!


Don't know if he realised I had put on weight! (Actually he had just scoffed some liver garlic pate - evidence on his whisker).
Spent a nice few minutes close to him in the back yard ... too close for 200mm :(
He got closer!

Spent a nice few minutes close to him in the back yard ... too close for 200mm :(

That's a nice problem to have! :D

Hadn't seen a Fox for years until this last week - I've been watching a local den recently thanks to a tip off from a dog walker and I've got the opposite problem - they're 60+ metres away across private land, but still fascinating to watch
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That's a nice problem to have! :D

Hadn't seen a Fox for years until this last week - I've been watching a local den recently thanks to a tip off from a dog walker and I've got the opposite problem - they're 60+ metres away across private land, but still fascinating to watch

Let's hope you can get some good opportunities :)
Brilliant,Roger. They seem to have no fear of of people..or very little. Different for its rural cousins,I suspect.
Brilliant,Roger. They seem to have no fear of of people..or very little. Different for its rural cousins,I suspect.
Thanks John, yes a little caution but no fear, I suspect you are right about the contrast between urban and rural foxes.
SWMBO was sitting on the back step last evening for a cooling read and was suddenly aware of the fox right beside of her ... fortunately I had warned her in advance of the possibility and she didn't do anything to scare it. :)