Evening Sun, Bempton

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Spent the day at Flamborough yesterday, packed but plenty of open space to social distance if you know where to sit. ;)

We definitely didn't see as many Puffins about this year....:thinking: .....maybe more out at sea due to the hot sunny weather??

Anyway, thought I'd leave Bempton for the evening, some nice low sun and obviously it wouldn't be as busy.....wrong....very busy!

A couple of Razorbill from a few limited view points

All C&C welcome, thanks for looking

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The clear eye peeping over the daisies has it for me Phil. (y)
The clear eye peeping over the daisies has it for me Phil. (y)

Thanks Roger, does it look a little over sharpened to you?

I only do a bit of selective sharpening around the eye, bill/head area in me normal workflow.....:thinking:........, I'm wondering if I've done it twice this morning on that one shot??
Thanks Roger, does it look a little over sharpened to you?

A critical eye might say so but it works for me ... it's not 'stuck-on' sharp, just sharp. :)
Agree with gramps, a great set but the first stands out for me.

I couldn't get anywhere near as close to the Razorbills when I was there earlier this week.
I went Tuesday and got there nice and early, but by 10am it was busy and by dinner time was chaos so I left after dinner

Anyhow #1 looks spot on Phil,

It looks like you had same problem as i did with harsh sunlight? I was forever changing my exposure comp to combat it
Fantastic shots Phil (y)

Also how many of us visited Bempton this week! I was there on Tuesday too.
Agree with gramps, a great set but the first stands out for me.

I couldn't get anywhere near as close to the Razorbills when I was there earlier this week.

Thanks Steve, this pov wouldn't have been my first choice but at least I got one or two.

Very nice set Phil - well worth the journey :)
- first one for me too - a bit of a different composition and I always like to see a sharp eye in a shot.


Thanks Russ

I went Tuesday and got there nice and early, but by 10am it was busy and by dinner time was chaos so I left after dinner

Anyhow #1 looks spot on Phil,

It looks like you had same problem as i did with harsh sunlight? I was forever changing my exposure comp to combat it

Thanks Mick, with Bempton being north facing, the evening light can be lovely this time of year.

My big problem was limited pov making the flight shots back lit. I like to ETTR for the shadows but it does make the whites a little tricky to handle, cheers

Fantastic shots Phil (y)

Also how many of us visited Bempton this week! I was there on Tuesday too.

Thanks Darren, its a great spot, especially with the headland to visit too. I often wonder how many there are on TP...............Where's your photo thread?? :)

Lovely set Phil- No1 has the edge for me too :)


Thanks Les, all that effort to get the flight shots and everyone favours the perched :rolleyes::LOL:
I expect some of my regular haunts will be packed with Toggers/ Birders

That's why I wander far and wide in area's where I rarely see anyone - which is great for spotting undisturbed wildlife :)

Thanks Darren, its a great spot, especially with the headland to visit too. I often wonder how many there are on TP...............Where's your photo thread?? :)

I'm not going to lie my sea bird pictures from the day are pants I definitely can't compete with the great Puffin, Gannet and Razorbill posted so far, the only shots I'm really happy with are ones of a Meadow Pipit, not really what you go to Bemton for. :(
Nice Photos I was there sunday and saw Puffins unfortunately i did not have the camera
May go back this sunday
Nice Photos I was there sunday and saw Puffins unfortunately i did not have the camera
May go back this sunday

Thanks Ivan, its a great place