Every thing I touch turns to Pink...


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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I seem to have some sort of "midas" touch going on here
Everything around me seems to be pink




There are others but I'll leave it there

anyway this pink thing really is spreading to the point that I fear I might have
to leave TPF as its
it's even affecting my familly now


( thanks to my lad for being a sport Cheers Ross (y))

Love it :D
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This is no laughing matter Jordie its serious and
highly contagaous,
Just hope that I don't PM you thats where it all starts to go wrong ;) :D
This is no laughing matter Jordie its serious and
highly contagaous,
Just hope that I don't PM you thats where it all starts to go wrong ;) :D

Oh dear lord no!!!
HaHa i love it! my favorite colour is pink. Just a bit strange how its affecting you guys though!!
I usually seem to have the "reverse Midas touch" everything I touch turns to lead (being polite of course).

This is no laughing matter Jordie its serious and
highly contagaous,
Just hope that I don't PM you thats where it all starts to go wrong ;) :D
:rules: yeah

HaHa i love it! my favorite colour is pink. Just a bit strange how its affecting you guys though!!

:love: pink :love:

:love: tp


also welcome to tp:wave:

OH AND CHRIS leave the boy out of this.. lol
Oh dear lord no!!!
Yep ask MD (y)

HaHa i love it! my favorite colour is pink. Just a bit strange how its affecting you guys though!!

Just a select one or two of us ;)

I usually seem to have the "reverse Midas touch" everything I touch turns to lead (being polite of course).


I know what you are saying Bill :D

:rules: yeah

OH AND CHRIS leave the boy out of this.. lol

Its your bloody fault that I am in this mess
As for Ross I am sure it will all be gone in the morning
and he will be his normal self :D