Bug Expanding header.


Nod (UK)
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More of a niggle than a bug, I suppose but it's a bit of a PITA.
I use a touchscreen laptop most of the time and just about manage to hit the small spots necessary to get me around the forum apart from when the header expands when an ad pops into it, dropping the lower margin of the blue bar just enough to make me hit the New Posts button rather than the Forums one. IF the ad was always there, it wouldn't be a problem but it pops in a second or so after the page changes, just as my finger is about to hit the button.
We think we have a solution, bear with us :)
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Not sure if it's my imagination but the ad seems to be loading faster now so I'm not hitting the wrong button. Thanks for all efforts.
Not sure if it's my imagination but the ad seems to be loading faster now so I'm not hitting the wrong button. Thanks for all efforts.
T'other Chris beat the server hamster with a wet kipper, I'm glad it worked :)
I think a bottle maybe a lot more harsh TBH.

The lucozade I take on courses is in plastic bottles rather than the (?)cellophane wrapped glass I remember from childhood.

As I said before, thanks for the efforts - not just on this "problem" but over the whole forum.
As I said before, thanks for the efforts - not just on this "problem" but over the whole forum.
Thanks :)