Experiment with light painting

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Hi all,

I have just recently discovered a technique called light painting wherby you take a long exposure in a dark room and use a small torch to paint over the subject. Below is my first attempt which I am relatively pleased with... but can't decide if it needs more contrasting colours and if the noise adds or detracts... I think it works quite well but would love to hear some opinions as I think the shot has some potential :)

Not my sort of photo but I think it does work and I like the composition
Thanks for the comments guys :)

Yeah, I am torn between deciding whether I like the grainy look or not... may have to do another version to compare. Exif information below :)

Model: NIKON D40
Shutter Speed: 4/1 second
F Number: F/7.1
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Thanks for the comments guys :)

Yeah, I am torn between deciding whether I like the grainy look or not... may have to do another version to compare. Exif information below :)

Model: NIKON D40
Shutter Speed: 4/1 second
F Number: F/7.1
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO Speed: 200

that's odd.. did you try rescuing a lot of the exposure in PS? Maybe it might look better in b&w?
nicely done, never heard of light painting, something to look into. any how good shot i like it alot.
that's odd.. did you try rescuing a lot of the exposure in PS? Maybe it might look better in b&w?

I did give it a bit of a battering in lightroom tbh and probably fiddled more than I should have so am going to revist the original RAW Interesting idea trying it in b&w I will give that a go aswell, thanks for the feedback :)

thanks gaz :) I am still really new to the idea of light painting and need a lot more practice but it is an interesting and cheap way to add a bit of interest to a shot...
Heard of this but first time I have seen it...

An unusual effect, but pleasing to the eye...

I think it almost looks buffed...soft yet with a distinct edge...

I like it...

A bit too dark and a bit too flat...try another edit and beef up the contrast, perhaps...

Oh and people? This is supposed to be 'InDepth Critique': saying "I like this" and offering nothing else is just bloody pointless...
Thanks for the feedback Arkady :) I think I am going to have a go at retaking the shot as the original pretty dark and I am really having to push exposure and lighting to get anything at the moment... Am planning to do this tonight so stay tuned! :D