Facebook / Myspace

Every single facebook link comes up as 'page not found' on my computer. Anybody have idea why?
I have a facebook account but hardly ever go on there. Maybe its just me being a tad thick, but I can't work out how to use it, can't find any 'friends' or colleagues' and don't get half the stuff :shrug:
I have a facebook account but hardly ever go on there. Maybe its just me being a tad thick, but I can't work out how to use it, can't find any 'friends' or colleagues' and don't get half the stuff :shrug:

You're not the only one :(

I've only ever been poked by Jewel and glo, and they've lost interest with me now too :(
I have a Myspace music page :)

And a Youtube page :):)

Click on my sigs and all will be revealed, though not literally........;)
Here's mine

Do me a favour though, if you're going to add me as a friend send me a message too saying who you are as I tend to ignore "Friend Requests" from peeps I don't know cos there's supposedly some nasty Facebook scams/viruses that involve adding unknown friends who then trash your account/PC.

And besides.......my mummy told me not to poke strangers!!!!! :D
My Facebook

Give me an add, just let me know who you are :)
am I one of the very few people left in the world without one of these bobe, facespace or mybook account thingies :thinking:
I ditched myspace a long time ago and bebo a fair while ago so just stick with facebook for now http://www.facebook.com/
Bit more bearable with all the notifications disabled :)

most of my old school are still on friends reunited
There aren't many Wesley Brookes from Manchester on facebook, so go search, feel free to add me if you really want to lol.

hint. my display pic is of my car (Audi)
Here's mine

Do me a favour though, if you're going to add me as a friend send me a message too saying who you are as I tend to ignore "Friend Requests" from peeps I don't know cos there's supposedly some nasty Facebook scams/viruses that involve adding unknown friends who then trash your account/PC.

And besides.......my mummy told me not to poke strangers!!!!! :D

You're Zippy?! Awesome.
Yeah but are they really friends???? not picking on you minky monkey just my point is if i want to keep in touch with my friends i will email or txt or call or even send a letter ( old school i know:p) i haven't joined face book or my space cos i don't want the idiots i went to school with sending me irritating ****** if they were my friends we would still be in touch! There is a reason we are not, it make take a while for both parties to remember that reason but its there!

Pretty much, I`m still in contact with most of my good mates from school. We go out drinking etc, although it`s most been weddings and births in recent years! TBH, If I want to contact them I`ll ring them. The FB one is quite good for sharing pictures though.
Noticed I got some add requests.:D

Must be my cat pic on my profile, she Is the Ayatollah of Liverpool.

Word challenge Is the best thing on facebook.:D
If you're gonna add me, you'd better be female and a hottie :D
Thanks for the adds people :D I've sent a few friends requests but I don't know if the message got attached to them or not? Either way, its not a stalker its just me :p
Well I'm a MySpace fan just because it satisfies the other passion in my life ..... Muso :)

Here's me ...... http://www.myspace.com/davebeveridgephotography

and here's the other I'm getting off the ground (work in progress at the mo) for a regular gig/venue I'm involved with ...... http://www.myspace.com/farringtonhootenanny

MySpace wins (for me) cos that's where all the bands are :)

If anyone wants to be associated with a sad old muso-togger then feel free

Dave B.
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Where does everyone get their Flickr plugins from? I have one, but it doesn't update automatically.