fake wedding photos

I know :) (Some people don't read my inane ramblings you know ;))

But it is a good example of what is/is not a proper wedding shot. There is no groom, he was in the bar. Bride on her own and in an untypical location for a bridal shot.

Yet it was shot on a real live wedding. :)

Honestly, whether this was or wasn't isn't the point for me. What's relevant here is passing off work as shot at a genuine wedding when it's nothing of the sort. It's a lie.

I'm NOT accusing you btw - just making a general point.
My point Radiohead is how does anyone KNOW for sure what is and what isn't. I'd suggest only the tog and we all know just how unscrupulous some can be.

(not suggesting anyone on here at all but some seem to think they can pass off a graphistudio sample album as theirs!)
Would be interesting if two such unscrupulous togs were at the same wedding fair, both with their Graphistudio sample books!!
My point Radiohead is how does anyone KNOW for sure what is and what isn't. I'd suggest only the tog and we all know just how unscrupulous some can be.

(not suggesting anyone on here at all but some seem to think they can pass off a graphistudio sample album as theirs!)

I get so fed up with that, I keep telling people that I shot Jennifer & Michael's wedding :D
by the way, we have a lovely shot of a bride in full gear, sitting on her new husbands lambretta.
is THAT a good wedding shot?
it went into her album.

"The scooter shot" was almost a requirement in the late 50's
almost as regular as a key hole shot of the bride dressing.

They must be in millions of dusty white leather albums now.
sure we all have. shot ugly people professionally.
of course you always tell them they look stunning.
even ugly people have a right to get married.
i did.
as for what is, or isnt a good wedding shot.
whatever the b&g will buy, is a good wedding shot.:LOL:

You hit the nail on the head there whatever artistic masterpiece we may want rto produce as togs if the couple or guests wont buy then its just so many wasted pixels
i would say that the websites aren't trying to sell to togs so our opinion is not valid
for me its about total control of your work and if that means using models etc then so be it
restaurants have pics of food that never looks like the stuff on your plate ( Mac D's!!!)
car manufacturers rarely have promo shots of their cars actually moving
its all done with CGI for total control and yet no one ever moans about that
i would say that the websites aren't trying to sell to togs so our opinion is not valid
for me its about total control of your work and if that means using models etc then so be it
restaurants have pics of food that never looks like the stuff on your plate ( Mac D's!!!)
car manufacturers rarely have promo shots of their cars actually moving
its all done with CGI for total control and yet no one ever moans about that

I totally agree. Its just basic marketing, presenting your business in the most attractive way possible to your potential clients? Every other business does it.

Should you lie to clients and say they are real weddings? - no, thats false adverising. But a photographers website is essentially their shop window and it is up the photographer to ensure the window is "dressed" it the most attractive way possible.