Critique Fallow pair

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We spent another wonderful afternoon last weekend chasing fallow,I guess our hopes to capture the rut and some sparring are pretty much over now,but we've learnt alot and got the odd image to keep. I really hoped we would catch up with the boys and quite possibly just missed out here, as there were two bucks in this group. This fella has been very lucky to still have both eyes,it was wonderful watching him go round and round his harem . He eventually wandered off with a couple of ladies before coming back to the big group he was holding. We got lucky the other buck left first and both came quite close. to where I was buried in the obligatory nettles. Cor these have been a challenge to get close too

Any critical thoughts very welcome I'm here to learn!!

F70F9896 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

take care

Nice eyeball to eyeball capture of the pair Stu but I have a great urge to do a CW adjustment as the buck looks as though he is about to fall over 'Delboy' style to the left!
Apologies for being so slow to reply Roger,we had a good look after reading your comment,it's tight but I think you might have something mate,it's so tricky because the doe looks ok,but her right eye is slightly high!! Ha god we have stared and discussed on this one great post mate thanks muchly

take care

Apologies for being so slow to reply Roger,we had a good look after reading your comment,it's tight but I think you might have something mate,it's so tricky because the doe looks ok,but her right eye is slightly high!! Ha god we have stared and discussed on this one great post mate thanks muchly

take care


It's still better than I've got yet Stu ;)
Are these the wild ones you have been stalking ?
Nothing wrong with that, a lovely capture (y)
Are these the wild ones you have been stalking ?
Nothing wrong with that, a lovely capture (y)

Hi Ingrid, yes they are:),Ahh mate we have heard antlers crashing but unfortunately I think our chance has gone at actually seeing a fight bar the kids I posted back a bit. But hey I'll hope for better luck next year, we have learnt a hell of a lot and had some wonderful experiences and got a few pics too. Yes all the pics i've been posting bar the ones i've tried to mark" from a hide...someone else's work or similar" are of this population. Actually the hide deer plausibly are the same pop too,but being so desensitised to people they are much easier to get a chance of a picture up close. So twitchy these guys i'm basically thrilled we got anything. It's been lovely Ingrid I just wish I could have got more time with them. It took us a while to work out what was going on and we are somewhat restricted on the actual woodland access where most of the guys have their stands.

But yeah we've had a ball:

F70F9933 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

F70F9906 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

F70F9856 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

F70F9786 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

F70F9781 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

Did you have any joy Ingrid?

thanks mate

Fantastic Stu, really pleased to hear you found them, you got some cracking pictures.
Unfortunately life and the weather got in the way for me so never even got back to the park.
Off to do some seal watching this week, something I have never done before, really hoping
to get some wild seal pictures
Hope you do well mate something we have never experienced. Ha Shaz had a seal make sure she was ok once(similar to dolphins do) way back,sort of wonderful but a story for another day. I'd love to see your results.

Ha we can always find them, Ingrid, getting in the same county is where the fun starts , Thanks so much though it's nice focusing on something for a while I so wish I had more time to do it properly

good luck
