False Advertising ?

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Right who thinks company's like McDonald's etcetera who advertise those nice big juicy burger that make you want to grab them out of the screen and eat them. Don't you get peeved off when you get the squashed burger that looks like someone sat on it in there car :razz:

Sorry but i love my fast food and i don't like being lied to, someday im going to have a go at them and tell them to remake my burger so its plump and juicy.
Rant over!!!

Anyone agree

Right who thinks company's like McDonald's etcetera who advertise those nice big juicy burger that make you want to grab them out of the screen and eat them. Don't you get peeved off when you get the squashed burger that looks like someone sat on it in there car :razz:

Sorry but i love my fast food and i don't like being lied to, someday im going to have a go at them and tell them to remake my burger so its plump and juicy.
Rant over!!!

Anyone agree

its fast food, you shouldn't actually expect it to look appealing and be tasty because its never going to be either.
I know, but still they should advertise the squashed burger not the plump one.... god i want a big mac right now :D
they still do bacon, i thought they stopped that? In that case i want a bacon sandwich
you may have a bacon butty which i do not but at least i have a title :razz::p:LOL::D
I hate McD's the food is just plastic, has no nutritional value, and is a total waste of money. Same goes for all fast food. All except a small private place in Seven Kings, Essex, called Jakes. Not been there in over 20 years, but it's still there. All food is cooked fresh in front of you, you have the choice of beefburgers or chicken burgers, and probably even more besides now. The burgers come in 4oz, 8oz, 12oz or 16oz. You can then specify extras such as pinapple ring, onions, mushrooms, bacon, salad, cheese.
If you have the works in a burger of any size it's called a blowout for obvious reasons. I know of one person that accidently asked for a blow job however. :)
was it a pretty girl behind the counter? maybe it wasnt an accident in that case :D burger and a blowjob ;)

Right who thinks company's like McDonald's etcetera who advertise those nice big juicy burger that make you want to grab them out of the screen and eat them. Don't you get peeved off when you get the squashed burger that looks like someone sat on it in there car :razz:

Sorry but i love my fast food and i don't like being lied to, someday im going to have a go at them and tell them to remake my burger so its plump and juicy.
Rant over!!!

Anyone agree

Is this what its come to.

Is boroboyben the model teenager ??

I normally wouldn't comment in a thread that pushed the wrong buttons for me, but it got the better of me this time.

Wheres the heads on poles emoticon ??
If you want a prime example of misleading advertising you don't have to look much further than Asda cheescake:

This is the box front:

And the actual product inside:

:thumbsdown: Asda
trading standards
On the subject of a Big Mac, I always order one with no lettuce or pickle and extra cheese instead - try it next time you're in MaccyD's....
hepburn - that's just awful :shake: I'm glad to hear you've emailed them for their comments :clap: I'd love to hear what they have to say (y)
If you want a prime example of misleading advertising you don't have to look much further than Asda cheescake:

This is the box front:
asda cheesecake promo.jpg

And the actual product inside:
asda cheesecake actual.jpg

:thumbsdown: Asda

I love the way they put it in a big metal tin ... To help keep the box up ... :LOL: