Family Portrait with a difference ;-)

Love the colours and very sharp. Not keen on the poses though.
I really like them. Obviously the last one is way mad but great fun. Love your Fur kids description too.

Do you mind telling how you lite them. I have a neighbour with a dog I wouldnt mind trying to photograph in a similiar way to your 2nd image but scared to step up and fail :-(


Just looked on flickr and you have it there. Still a bit confused as on some of the catch lights looked from different places and they couple look close to the background so couldnt work out where the rim light was positioned.
Lots to learn I guess :)

Edit number 2 Just looked further into your stream (your mad as box of frogs) in a good way and very creative :)

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I really like them, great lighting and i love the BG effect, great casual fun stuff(y)

Fur kids is:LOL::LOL:
Love the colours and very sharp. Not keen on the poses though.

Cheers Jim. Yea I'm not 100% on the poses but they'll do.

I really like them. Obviously the last one is way mad but great fun. Love your Fur kids description too.

Do you mind telling how you lite them. I have a neighbour with a dog I wouldnt mind trying to photograph in a similiar way to your 2nd image but scared to step up and fail :-(


Just looked on flickr and you have it there. Still a bit confused as on some of the catch lights looked from different places and they couple look close to the background so couldnt work out where the rim light was positioned.
Lots to learn I guess :)

Edit number 2 Just looked further into your stream (your mad as box of frogs) in a good way and very creative :)


Cheers Gaz. Lighting is pretty easy. I tend to go with a 580exII as key light. In this case its to camera left. I then go with a 430exII almost opposite the 580. So just behind Mick. In this shoot I used a third on low power to camera right as a bit of filler. AND, the background is added in afterward. I just had a black sheet behind them ;-)

I really like them, great lighting and i love the BG effect, great casual fun stuff(y)

Fur kids is:LOL::LOL:

Thanks Tracie. Glad you like em ;-) I hope I'm starting to get on a roll now ;-)
Thanks Mick. Well I must be learning as I was sure I could see 2 lights from the front and I did realise after viewing your Flickr that the background was added after but with doing 2 edits to my post I thought better of doing another.
Great photography :)

Excellent set,the lighting is really good & i love the 2 dogs shot.:)(y)
I really like these! Love the lighting and the look of those two dogs is brilliant. Really happy looking images:)
Its great to see you posting again Mick,
I love your style (y)
Yeh - really like these Mick. Good fun.

Only minor crit would be the chopped elbow in No 1.

Any chance of a 2014 calendar? ;)

Hope you are well.
Excellent set,the lighting is really good & i love the 2 dogs shot.:)(y)

Thanks James. I'm glad others like them too. :)

I really like these! Love the lighting and the look of those two dogs is brilliant. Really happy looking images:)

Cheers Maggie. We gave them the pics for Christmas and they were stoked. Glad you like em too.

Love the fur kids shot, excellent.

Cheers Jango. That seems to be the pic of the bunch. ;-)

Great fun images. Lovely colours and nice and sharp.

Thanks Ceri. We recently moved into a new house. The lounge / living area is way way bigger than our old place was so its way easier to bolt on the 70-200F2.8. I love that lens ;-)

Its great to see you posting again Mick,
I love your style (y)

Thanks very much Hissy. I'm hoping to get back into it a bit more but we'll see. ;-)

Yeh - really like these Mick. Good fun.

Only minor crit would be the chopped elbow in No 1.

Any chance of a 2014 calendar? ;)

Hope you are well.

Cheers Dav. Ya gotta have a little fun hey!! Yea bummer about the elbow. It was hard work and we were expecting it to be so, but the dogs were better behaved that the humans lol. As for another calendar, I'd love to but I can see it happening. Maybe 2015 :) Thanks for the kind words. Hope you have a great New Year ;-) I'm recovering today after showing the Grandkids how NOT to ride a new scooter down a very steep bitumen driveway. Luckily my face is about the only part of me that came out unscathed :)

Great images, keep up the good work!

Thanks Martin. The feedback is appreciated :)

great set

Cheers CanonMan. Glad you liked them ;-)