Famous me

Andy Jones
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I've just been asked to give an interview about my photography business and working with musicians/bands on a local radio show in a couple of weeks time :LOL:

It's all tied in with the bluegrass band I do some work with, they were interviewed last week and I went along to get some shots of them during the show.

I'll be sure and plug TP when I'm there (y)
Which station Andy?

congratulations by the way :D

photography on the radio... whatever next :LOL:
Thanks folks, of course some of my shots are best suited to the radio anyway :LOL:

The station is www.10radio.org, I believe you can listen online but I don't think there's a way to listen again. I'll be on Doug Parish's show, if nothing else it'll be a bit of fun and if I can plug a few things like TP it's well worth making a fool of myself :eek:
dont think i can pick that up where i am. shame.
have to let us know when your on (y)